Netzwerk Kindertagespflege im Südkreis Vechta


Netzwerk Kindertagespflege im Südkreis Vechta
Große Straße 19
49451 Holdorf
Funding authority
Bildungswerk Dammer Berge e.V.
Benediktstraße 19
49401 Damme
05491 90639-0 (Fachberatung Kindertagespflege)
05491 90639-0 (Frau Platen, Frau Schick, Frau Egert)
Opening times5:00 AM - 10:00 PM o'clock
early care5:00 AM - 7:00 AM o'clock
late care6:00 PM - 10:00 PM o'clock
Extras care with lunch, flexible care, full day care
Pets Haustierhaltung wird mit den Eltern abgesprochen.


What is child day care?

Child day care is a family-based, flexible care, upbringing and education of children in the household of the day care person or in the household of the parents. Especially if the parents are working, training or studying, day care for children between 0 and 13 years of age is ideal. In a family-like atmosphere, up to five children are cared for at the same time by a permanent caregiver.

Under certain circumstances, the costs of child day care are reimbursed or waived in whole or in part analogous to the crèche and kindergarten fees.

What is the "Network Day Care in the Southern District of Vechta"? What can we do for you?

The network day care for children in the southern district of Vechta under the umbrella of the Bildungswerk Dammer Berge e.V. offers qualification of day mothers and fathers, mediation of certified day care centers, counseling of parents and day care workers as well as the accompaniment of day care relationships. The network is active on behalf of the 4 Südkreiskommunen Damme, Holdorf, Neuenkirchen-Vörden and Steinfeld with the aim of creating additional and flexible child care possibilities.

Are you looking for a day care person?

The basis for a suitable placement is a personal consultation with the expert advisors of the Network Child Day Care (see opening hours). In addition to the consultation about the possibilities and basics of day care, the needs and expectations of the parents are determined in order to find a day care person suitable for the family and the child.

You can make an appointment during the following opening hours:

Mon - Fri: 08:30 - 12:30

Mon., Tue., Thurs.: 14:00 - 17:00



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