Kindertagespflege - Uwe Nötzold

Kindertagespflege - Uwe Nötzold
Lessingstr 34
16562 Hohen Neuendorf
Funding authority
Oranienburger Str 2
16540 Hohen Neuendorf
03303/211204 (Doreen & Uwe Nötzold)
Opening times7:00 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock
Foreign languages German
Specially educational concept Situation approach
Extras care with lunch

Current information

From summer 2024 Fridays only until 3:00 p.m.


We, that is Doreen and Uwe Nötzold, have been looking after up to 10 day care children in our house with garden in Bergfelde since 2002.

In day care, we look after children aged between 8 weeks and 3 years.
Our main focus is the loving care of each individual child with its strengths and weaknesses. We teach the children to react sensitively to the sensitivities of others. Disputes should be solved, if possible, by talking to each other or exchanging toys. We only act as mediators.
Furthermore, we educate the children to be independent, i.e. to eat, dress and wash themselves, and from around the 2nd birthday onwards we begin to teach them to be clean. We encourage the child's development in the area of fine motor skills through various handicrafts or games. We especially train the motor skills once a week in children's gymnastics.

As our family is very interested in music, our concept also supports the musical development of our day care children. In the weekly Musikgarten we sing and dance and the children make their first musical touches. Our experience shows that children learn and develop optimally with and through musical accompaniment.
The children like to look at beautifully illustrated children's literature. So we visit the children's library on the grounds of the Bergfelde primary school every month and borrow new books and games.
On warm rainy days, the children, equipped with rubber boots and weather gear, love to splash through the puddles. The adjacent forest beckons with walks and a nice picnic.

Within various projects, we conduct small experiments with common household ingredients to make the children curious about research and phenomena. If possible, the children's curiosity should grow into an interest in introducing girls to science.

 We cultivate a relaxed atmosphere with the parents, from which many a friendship has grown.

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We offer full board with constant drinks, breakfast, fruit meal, lunch, snack. (wholefoods)

We cook our own lunch or buy it from Löwen Menü.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 02/11/2023 13:43:22)

Offered care types at Nov 23, 2024:

Kind of carecount integrated places
0 Places


Wir fördern unsere Tageskinder in allen sechs Bildungsbereichen der Grundsätze elementarer Bildung.

Dazu gehören:

  • Körper, Bewegung, Gesundheit

-Förderung der Motorik und Feinmotorik durch wöchentliches Turnen (balancieren, klettern, springen)

-reichlich Bewegung an der frischen Luft (im Wald toben, Spielplätze besuchen)

-Gesunde Ernährung (Vollwertkost im Rahmen von Vollverpflegung)

-Sensibilisierung der Kinder für Flora und Fauna durch Spaziergänge im angrenzenden Wald


  • Sprache, Kommunikation, Schriftkultur

-Sprache erlernen (ununterbrochene sprachliche Zuwendung zu den Kindern)

-gemeinsames Betrachten von Bilderbüchern

-Geschichten erzählen und vorlesen

-Morgenkreis (Lieder singen, reimen)


  • Musik

-musikalische Förderung

> singen tanzen und musizieren begleiten uns jeden Tag

> Melodie und Rhythmus vermitteln

> Musikgarten, wöchentlich von uns gestaltet

-Musikinstrumente herstellen

-Gegenstände zu Musikinstrumenten umfunktionieren


  • Darstellen; Gestalten

-Farben und Papier anbieten (Fingerfarbe, Wasserfarbe, Buntstifte)

-Modelliermasse anbieten (Ton, Knete, Wachs)

-Naturmaterialien sammeln (Muscheln, Blätter, Nüsse, Korken)

-Verkleidungskiste (Schals, Hüte, Tücher)

-Puppenspiel mit Handpuppen


  • Mathematik, Naturwissenschaft

-Neugierde wecken für naturwissenschaftliche Zusammenhänge

-Umgang mit Mengen, Zahlen und Größen (z.B. Kastanien umfüllen)


            > Umgang mit Lupen, Pipetten, Trichter, Thermometer

-Spiegelbilder betrachten und sich wieder erkennen


  • Soziales Leben

-Erlernen von Regeln und Grenzen

-Entwicklung sozialer Kompetenz

> Befindlichkeiten der Anderen respektieren lernen

> schwächere Kinder unterstützen

> Kontakte knüpfen

> Rollenspiele

> mit Fotos basteln (Collage)

> eigenes Fach

-besondere Beachtung der Umgangsformen

-Kinder zur Selbstständigkeit erziehen (allein an- und ausziehen, Sauberkeitserziehung, selbstständiges Essen)

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 02/11/2023 13:43:22)

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