Kindertagesstätte Old Argonner

0 Jahre bis 6 Jahre 6 - 10 Jahre (Hort)

Kindertagesstätte Old Argonner
Bertha-von-Suttner-Straße 12
63457 Hanau
Funding authority
Eigenbetrieb Hanau Kindertagesbetreuung
Am Markt 14-18
63450 Hanau
06181 9060796 (Sabine Brosch-Werner)
Opening times7:00 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock
Closing dayslaut § 2 Gebühren und Entgeltsatzung
- 24.12 - 01.01
- Sommerschließung 3 Wochen -
Schließung aufgrund von Fortbildung und betriebsbedingten Maßnahmen von max. 5 Tagen
Extras full day care

Current information

From summer 2025 we will look after children in the age group of 2 - 6 years.

Children who have already been admitted to the after-school care center (Hort) are cared for until their transition to secondary schools.



At the Old Argonner daycare center, children aged 0 - 10 are looked after in seven groups.

There are two mixed-age groups for children aged 2-6, two kindergraten groups with older kindergarten children and two after school groups for children aged 6 - 10.

Everyday life at the daycare center ist structured in such a way that every child has the opportunity to move around the entire house according to their interests and to take advantage of comprehensive offers.

In addition, our goal in our daily interactions is to maintain a social connection to their own group of children and to have stable relationships with the educational staff.


Each group has a large group room available, which has been set up to offer the children incentives to play.

There are also specially equipped functional rooms for painting, building, moving, experimenting or role-playing.

In addition to the group and function rooms, our outdoor area is regulary used by children playing.

Outdoor Facilities

The children spend a lot of time in our large outdoor area.

The outdoor area is often used even in rainy weather.

In summer, several large trees provide natural shade. 

There is also an awning above the sand play area. The children can swing on the meadows, sandy areas, try out climbing equipment and enjoy free play outside the house.


We offer breakfast supplement, lunch and an afternoon snack.

The Housekeeping Staff has been cooking according to a uniform nutrition concept since 2014. Here particular emphasis is placed on the following points:

  • The food is freshly prepared
  • The food used is seasonal and regionally produced

Please understand that we cannot prepare meals according to individual diets.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 20/02/2025 16:20:03)