Kindergarten Pusteblume

2,5 bis 6 Jahre

Kindergarten Pusteblume
Rechnerstr. 42+44
85540 Haar
Funding authority
Arbeiterwohlfahrt Kreisverb. München Land e.V.
Balanstr. 55
81541 München
089 - 32 63 02 79 0
Opening times7:00 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysmax. 30 Tage (+5 Fortbildungstage)
Foreign languages German
Specially educational concept Situation orientated approach
Extras Integrative facility, care with lunch
Pets keine

Current information


Please note: We aim to offer essential information for parents in English. However, the language used exclusively with the children is German.

Opening hours:

Monday - Thursday: 7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.        Friday: 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. 

Die Pusteblume is a two-group kindergarten, established as a container building (intended for 5 years). The facility was first opened in January 2020. Our kindergarten is located on the outskirts of the municipality of Haar in a residential area. (The bus line 243, which provides easy access to us, is only a three-minute walk away.)

In total, we can accommodate 50 children.


Please note: We aim to offer essential information for parents in English. However, the language used exclusively with the children is German.

We have two group rooms, each with an adjoining space, which can be flexibly used for morning circles, play activities, quiet times, or other activities.

The basic equipment, consisting of tables, chairs, cabinets, carpets, and a "treehouse," is similarly arranged in both group rooms.

The play materials vary and are regularly exchanged to increase diversity. A hallway connects the two group rooms.

Our spacious garden is designed to be close to nature and offers mature hedge shrubs for climbing and hiding, as well as a sandbox, a slide with a climbing tower, a swing set, and a small hill. Each group has its own access to the garden with a terrace, allowing for snack times outdoors during good weather.

Additionally, we have two bathrooms with toilets of different sizes, each with a washbasin and a changing table.

Our kindergarten is equipped with a kitchen, a staff toilet, a cleaning room, and a separate storage room to support daily operations.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 09/02/2024 09:57:37)

Offered care types at Jul 27, 2024:

Kind of care


Please note: We aim to offer essential information for parents in English. However, the language used exclusively with the children is German.

Early childhood education is viewed as a social process in which children and adults actively participate. Education succeeds only through shared interaction, continuous exchange, and co-constructive processes. We believe that each child possesses their own ideas and theories worth listening to, yet also open to questioning. To foster this, we provide stimulating materials that pique children's interests.

Our Daily Schedule

7:00-8:30 am: Drop-off Time

The arrival time varies based on the individual booking time agreed upon in the care contract. The pedagogical core time begins at 8:30 am and ends at 12:30 pm.

Approximately 8:45 am: Morning Circle

We start our day with a morning circle, lasting a maximum of 30 minutes. Each child is welcomed and included in the daily planning. Children have the opportunity to speak in front of the group and participate in group dynamic processes, such as democratic decision-making within the group.

Approximately 9:15-9:45 am: Breakfast

Children bring their snacks from home. Once a week (Fridays), we offer cereal with milk. Currently, we eat together, allowing everyone time to talk or see what others have brought.

From approximately 9:45 am: Free Play Begins

Play is the most fundamental form of learning. Children decide what and with whom they want to play. Play stimulates children's imaginations; they can experiment, discover, and test various materials. Through play, children build relationships, gain affirmation, and practice different forms of communication and understanding.

During this time, various projects, workshops, and planned activities may also take place.

Garden time begins at 10:30 am. Neither wind nor rain are obstacles for us; we always spend at least 30 minutes outside.

12:00-12:30 pm: Lunch

Our lunch is freshly prepared daily by Cooking Bros., specializing in catering for childcare facilities. Allergies can be accommodated, and vegetarian options are available.

12:45 pm: Pickup Time

1:00-1:30 pm: Rest and Nap Time

We offer a rest period for all afternoon children. Music or audio stories are played. Those who fall asleep may rest for as long as they wish. Those who do not fall asleep can resume play after the half-hour period.

Children can be picked up starting at 1:30 pm. The kindergarten closes at 4:00 pm.

Our educational priorities are: Language and Movement.

Language is a key skill and essential prerequisite for academic and professional success, as well as participation in social and cultural life. (Read more about this in our concept.)

Movement is one of the fundamental activities and expressions of children. Children naturally have a desire and joy to move. For them, movement is an important means to acquire knowledge about their environment, understand and interact with their surroundings, learn about themselves and their bodies, discover their abilities, and communicate with others. (Read more about this and our other educational areas in our concept.)

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 09/02/2024 09:57:37)

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