Städtischer Kindergarten Salmdorf

2,5 - Schuleintritt

Städtischer Kindergarten Salmdorf
Seidlhofstr 22
85540 Haar
Funding authority
Stadt Haar
Bahnhofstr. 7
85540 Haar
089 - 18 94 84 23
Opening times7:30 AM - 3:00 PM o'clock
Closing days30 Tage
Specially educational concept partially open concept, Situation orientated approach
Extras care with lunch

Current information


Welcome to the Salmdorf Kindergarten

We are the smallest facility in the municipality of Haar in a terraced corner house with a license for 17 children. We are three teachers who want to experience a lot with your children in a family atmosphere. The kindergarten is located in a quiet, secluded residential area with nice neighbors and hardly any traffic.

The proximity to nature, with a direct location at the Buga, is unique here and invites you to take a few walks in any weather. In summer right by the lake and in winter right by the toboggan run. Our fenced-in playground is just around the corner.

Open day will take place on 19.02.2024 from 3 pm to 6 pm.


Small house tour

When you enter our kindergarten, you will immediately find yourself in our small hallway. From there you go right into the kitchen, left into the toilet and straight ahead into the group room where we play, do handicrafts, make music and eat.

In the basement is our checkroom, a toilet, a small workshop/painting room and a gym which is also used as a bedroom.

 On the upper floor of the house we have a playroom with a play kitchen, dolls, dressing-up boxes and a reading corner as well as a bathroom with changing facilities and the office.

Outdoor Facilities

The way out.

Our only drawback, our own garden. As we are housed in a terraced corner house, space is limited. It consists of a fence all around and paving stones. There are a few vehicles, water toys and chalks on offer. 

Fortunately, we have a fenced playground (sandpit, climbing frame, swings) with an adjacent football field, right nearby.

Daily Schedule

This is what our day looks like

Our doors open at 7:30 a.m. for the early risers.

If all the children are with us by 8:30 a.m., we start the day together with a snack that we have lovingly prepared. We then welcome the day together with singing, music, circle games, conversations, etc.

After the morning circle, there are open activities such as arts and crafts, painting, kneading, playing all over the house, as well as specific activities and preschool. 

Now we have had enough work and it is time to get some fresh air on a walk or in the playground.

At 12 noon we eat lunch together, after which some children go to sleep or have a rest period. 

At 2:15 p.m., clean-up time/wake-up time begins, followed by putting on shoes and clothes ready for pick-up. Until pick-up, there is fruit and vegetables with a picture book/riddles etc.

Pick-up time is between 2:30 and 2:55 pm. At 3 p.m. we close our doors again and look forward to a new day with all the children and parents.



When hunger strikes ;)

We provide full board in the house. This means a shared snack for everyone, lovingly prepared by us. Whether it's cereal day, egg day, sweet day or another treat day, fruit and vegetables are of course a must.

Our own community kindergarten kitchen prepares warm meals for us and we then enjoy sitting together at lunchtime and look forward to a good meal with dessert.

Drinks are of course not to be forgotten. The children have their own drinking bottles with water, which they have access to throughout the day. We also provide unsweetened teas, cocoa and sometimes diluted fruit juices.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 16/02/2024 07:39:33)