Gemeindekindergarten Eglfing

2,5 bis zum Schuleintritt

Gemeindekindergarten Eglfing
Neithardtstr. 6
85540 Haar
Funding authority
Gemeinde Haar
Bahnhofstr. 7
85540 Haar
089 - 45 69 64 90
Opening times7:00 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysDer inklusive Gemeindekindergarten Eglfing hat zwei längere Schließzeiten, die an den schulischen Ferienzeiten orientiert im August und in den Weihnachtsferien der Schulen in Bayern liegen, hinzu kommt eine weitere kurze Schließzeit, die meistens Pfingsten stattfindet. Des Weiteren werden die restlichen Schließtage für Fort- und Weiterbildungszwecke für unser Team genutzt und zum jeweiligen Kindergarten-Jahresbeginn bekannt gegeben.

The inclusive kindergarten has two longer closing times, which are based on the school holidays in August and in Christmas holidays of the schools in Bavaria. In addition there is another short closing time which usually takes place at Pentecost. Furthermore, the remaining closing days will be used for further education and training purposes for our team and will be announced at the beginning of the respective kindergarten year.
Specially educational concept daily routine language education, inclusion, partially open concept, Situation orientated approach
Extras care with lunch

Current information

Welcome to Kindergarten Eglfing

Our kindergarten should be a place of growth, experience, encounter and well-being. The focus of our pedagogical work is the partnership-based cooperation between parents and kindergarten.

Our open day will take place on 22.02.2024 from 4.30 p.m. to 6.30 p.m.

We look forward seeing you!


Our Kindergarten

We are a parially open house with four ficed referene groups (each approx 20 children) in different focusareas can accmod. Our house a total of up to 100 children.

We are an inclusive kindergarten. Aspecialist service für inclusion and curative education is part of our experienced team. With us, children wirth increased support needs can be well involves an adequately supported.

In addition, we are networked witz external institutions (speech therapy, occuupational therapy, language promotion), wich may also offer their services in our house.

In our daily pedagogical work, we are guided by the daily events and the interests of the children.



The rooms of our furniture are large and bright. 3 out of 4 group rooms have a spacious gallery on wich the children can stay. In our partially open concept, we work with centre of gravity rooms, wich means that each group room is also focussed on a sprecific area. So we habe a sensory space, a construction space, a studio an a role-playing room.

There are other rooms that the children can use freely during the day, auch as the gym or the learning workshop where our ball pool is also located.

Outdoor Facilities

Our gardens offer plenty of space an diffrent areas where the children can romp, research, muff and drive with different vehiceles. On the back of our kindergarten is our orchard in wich the children with different building materials to be able to construct.

Daily Schedule

7.00 Uhr bis 8.00 Uhr       Frühdienst

Bringzeit ist bis 8.20 Uhr

8.00 Uhr bis 10.00 Uhr     Zeit in der Bezugsgruppe mit Morgenkreis und Frühstück

10.00 Uhr bis 11.45 Uhr   Öffnung der Themenräume - Kinder können selbst entscheiden, wo sie sich aufhalten                                                 möchten

11.45 Uhr bis 12.00 Uhr    Mittagskreis / Aufräumen

12.00 Uhr bis 12.30 Uhr    MIttagessen in der Bezugsgruppe

12.30 Uhr bis 14.00 Uhr    Schlafzeit für jüngere Kinder, Ruhezeit für ältere Kinder, Gruppenzeit

14.00 Uhr bis 16.00 Uhr    Öffnung der Themenräume


The Kindergarten backpck can stay at home. Breakfast, lunch, afternoon lunch, dost and vegetables for inbetween and of course the drinks - all this is in the full-food offer of the municipality of daycare centres for our Families included.

In the Kindergarten group, all children vave breakfest from the buffet we have lovingly prepared with a daily changing, child-friendly offer. Water and unsweetened tea are available to our children every day. Diluted Juice spritzers provide a welcome variety on specials occasions

The child-friendly lunch is provided by our own main kitchen.

The menu, wich is sent weekly by e-mail to the parents, is designed für childrenand includes many regional products. The children independently fill their lunch on the plate. They decide what and how much they would like to eat.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 15/02/2024 13:36:31)

Offered care types at Jul 27, 2024:

Kind of care



Unser Bild vom Kind

The child is our focus. We see each shild as an independent personality, with their needs and individual life cicumstances. Evrery child may be an independent designer of his or her life with us.

Every child has his own level of development an rhythm.

Our interest is to support the child in building a healthy self-confidence and self-esteem. This mend giving them space to unfolg themselves




The education, care and upbringing of the maximum  of 100 children in our kindergarten, currently provide

8 pedagogical specialists

5 pedagogical complements

1 assistant

1 SEJ (social intoductory year to the educator)

1 trainee in the PIA model

1 pedaogical supplement - part-time training as an educator



Additional Offerings

Due to our conceptual orientation, the children can decide for themselves during the partial opening...where they play, what they play and with whom they play. Completely according ot the level of development an the interest of the children. 

In order to keep track, the children register on the magnetic wall, on the one hand to inicate where they are, but also to see where potential play partners are.

A fixed gymnastics day a week? Not with us! With us, all children can let off steam every dayin the gym. There are changing movement offers, wich are accompanied by different educators.

In our specially designed studio, children are allowed to live out creatively. This offeris accompanied by our art therapist.

The German preliminary course has the zel of sustainable language promotion of children with a migration backroung. Main topics are vocabulary expansion, sentencestructure, as well as free speaking and storytelling.


Quality Assurance

Qualified training for the pedagogical staff is absolutley necessary.Responsible educational action requires goodcooperation of all employees, so we habe weekly teammeetings.In order to ensure the pedagogical quality, our empluyeesvisit appropriate training an further training. Part of our pedagogical work is to professionally observe and document the development ofthe children.

Tor this purpose, wie use the conveyor-relevantKOMOIK obervation sheet.


We work closely with different partners

Occupational therapists, speach therapists, early intervention in different areas.

Teamwork with school

We work very intensively with the schools in Haar, as well as thesurrounding special schools, to make it easier for school beginners to start school.

Teamwork with parents

Als familienunterstützende und familienergänzende Einrichtung für Erziehung und Bildung ist uns die Zusammenarbeit mi den Eltern ganz wichtig.

Formen der Elternarbeit:

- Tür- und Angelgespräche

- regelmäßige (terminierte) Elterngespräche

- Newsletter

- Aushänge an der Magnetwand im Eingangsbereich

- Elternabende

- möglichktei der Hospitation

Zu Beginn eines neuen Kindergartenjahres, wird der Elternbeirat gewählt



Rollenspiel - Puppen, Theater, Verkleidung, Kaufladen, Schule

Bauen und Konstruieren - Bausteine, Eisenbahn, Tiere, Magnete, Naturmaterial

Forschen und Entdecken - Wiegen, Messen, Forscherkisten, Körper, Elektronik

Atelier und Holzwerkstatt - Malen, Modellieren, Basteln, Werken

Bibliothek - Sachbücher, Bilderbücher, CD´s, Tischspiele

Turnhalle - Kreis- und Bewegungsspiele, Klettern, Tanzen

Garten - Fahrzeuge, Schaukeln, Matschanlage, Sandkasten

Brotzeit - gruppenübergreifende, gemeinsame nachmittags Brotzeit im Rahmen der Vollverpflegung

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 15/02/2024 13:36:31)


In kindergarten Eglfing, children of approx 2,5 years until school entry. Admission to our institution depends an different criteria.

- age of the child

- professional activity of the parents

- siblings

- capacties

- children from the municipal area


Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 15/02/2024 13:36:31)

Description and Stations

The municipality of Kindergarten Eglfing is located in the distict of Eglfing near the S-Bahn station Haar.

Near the sports park there is also a bus stop (243) from wich we are easily accessible on foot.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 15/02/2024 13:36:31)

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