The Natur-Kita Lärchenstube in Gundelfingen has been offering half-time childcare (6.5 hours) in two groups for up to 40 children between the ages of 3 and 6 since September 2023.
Located on the edge of the forest on a butterfly meadow, it is a good idea to take a daily walk to our beautiful forest areas and experience nature there throughout the seasons. On our excursion days, we explore the area in and around Gundelfingen.
As a classic "Waldkindergarten," we spend almost all of our time outdoors. Three large, heated construction trailers serve as a place of retreat and material room. Here, the children have comfortable accommodation for eating, resting, and for targeted activities. Our office trailer offers the team a permanent place to retreat for breaks, parent meetings, and preparation and follow-up.
Our educational work is based on the Baden-Württemberg Orientation Plan and the Federal Education Sustainable Development Program (BNE). We work in an interdisciplinary, participatory manner and in a network with local cooperation partners. There are active collaborations with, among others:
- Johann-Peter-Hebel primary school
- BUND for the environment and nature conservation Gundelfingen
- “Trolle” Waldkindergarten in Gundelfingen
Through our educational work in nature, we want to offer the children a space of trust in which they can, among other things:
- Gather diverse (sensory) experiences in a natural environment
- Experience themselves as part of a larger whole in nature and the annual cycle
- Develop confidence and courage in their own abilities and recognize their personal limits
- Learn respect when dealing with people, animals and nature
- Live out their natural desire for discovery and joy of life
- Learn holistic connections
- Have fun and make friends