Natur-Kita Lärchenstube

Ab dem vollendeten dritten Lebensjahr bis zum Schuleintritt (3 - 6 Jahre)

Natur-Kita Lärchenstube
Am Waldfriedhof 2A
79194 Gundelfingen
Funding authority
Jugendhilfswerk Freiburg e.V.
Basler Straße 61
79100 Freiburg
0176/17910979 (Anja Feldman)
Opening times7:30 AM - 2:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysDer Ferienplan wird regelmäßig veröffentlicht und kann in der Einrichtung angefragt werden.
Die Ferienpläne werden in Abstimmung mit den anderen JHW Einrichtungen erstellt.
Specially educational concept child oriented education, daily routine language education, intercultural education, nature education, Situation orientated approach, Wood-Pedagogy
Extras Child care with special focus on environmental education

Current information

We work with the language support program KOLIBRI

The state programme "Reliably advancing skills" (Kolibri) is intended to support children with intensive language support needs through special language support offers.


We have a detailed violence protection concept, which was developed in close coordination with the Jugendhilfswerk Freiburg e.V. and, like the pedagogical concept, sees itself as a "work in progress".

If you have any questions about this, please feel free to contact us.



The Natur-Kita Lärchenstube in Gundelfingen has been offering half-time childcare (6.5 hours) in two groups for up to 40 children between the ages of 3 and 6 since September 2023.

Located on the edge of the forest on a butterfly meadow, it is a good idea to take a daily walk to our beautiful forest areas and experience nature there throughout the seasons. On our excursion days, we explore the area in and around Gundelfingen.

As a classic "Waldkindergarten," we spend almost all of our time outdoors. Three large, heated construction trailers serve as a place of retreat and material room. Here, the children have comfortable accommodation for eating, resting, and for targeted activities. Our office trailer offers the team a permanent place to retreat for breaks, parent meetings, and preparation and follow-up.

Our educational work is based on the Baden-Württemberg Orientation Plan and the Federal Education Sustainable Development Program (BNE). We work in an interdisciplinary, participatory manner and in a network with local cooperation partners. There are active collaborations with, among others:

  • Johann-Peter-Hebel primary school
  • BUND for the environment and nature conservation Gundelfingen
  • “Trolle” Waldkindergarten in Gundelfingen

Through our educational work in nature, we want to offer the children a space of trust in which they can, among other things:

  • Gather diverse (sensory) experiences in a natural environment
  • Experience themselves as part of a larger whole in nature and the annual cycle
  • Develop confidence and courage in their own abilities and recognize their personal limits
  • Learn respect when dealing with people, animals and nature
  • Live out their natural desire for discovery and joy of life
  • Learn holistic connections
  • Have fun and make friends


In the Natur-Kita Lärchenstube the children bring their own food and drink.

We have a snack together twice a day in a quiet atmosphere. Depending on the season, we eat meals in the forest, on "our" meadow or in the heated wagons.

As pedagogical group elements, mealtimes are very important to us: as resting times, for exchanging ideas with each other, for a mindful handling of food and the sometimes different way of experiencing nature: for example, when an ant carries away the breadcrumb. 

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 10/02/2025 09:30:42)