Kath. Kindergarten Regenbogen

Eine Kleinkindgruppe, Betreuung von Kindern ab einem Jahr bis drei Jahren. Vier Kindergartengruppen, Betreuung der Kinder ab drei Jahren bis zum Schuleintritt.

Kath. Kindergarten Regenbogen
Wildtalstraße 15
79194 Gundelfingen
Funding authority
Kirchengemeinde Freiburg Nord
Hauptstraße 50
79104 Freiburg
0761/580187 (Sarah Driller)
Opening times7:30 AM - 2:30 PM o'clock
Closing days30 feste Schließtage
Foreign languages German
Extras care with lunch

Current information





We work according to the “child-centered approach”. The “child-centered approach” fundamentally sees the child as a competent being who develops on his or her own initiative and action through self-direction and maturity 

In this approach, the concept of situation plays a key role:

The kindergarten, the social environment, events and experiences of the children are understood as learning situations to be dealt with holistically. This means that the focus is not on guided learning, but rather on gathering one's own experiences, adventures and challenges.

It is the task of the educational staff to create good framework conditions (e.g. an appealing room design), to provide impulses and assistance and to accompany the children's learning processes together with the parents.

Care times

We are a kindergarten with extended opening hours. This means that the children in the Ü3 groups and in our toddler group are looked after from 7.30 am to 2.30 pm.

Drop-off time is between 7.30 am and 9.00 am. 

There are two pick-up times:

  • 1st pick-up time: 12.15 p.m. to 12.45 p.m.
  • 2nd pick-up time: 1.45 p.m. to 2.30 p.m.


In 2011/12, the premises were modernized to meet the changed social and educational requirements.

The rooms include:

  • four spacious group rooms for children aged 3-6, which are divided into different play areas (building, role play, creative, construction, breakfast and picture book corner),
  • a group room with adjoining bedroom for children under 3 years of age,
  • a sanitary area for under 3-year-olds, which is adapted to the extensive care tasks for this age group and equipped accordingly,
  • a hall with children's changing rooms and an exercise area,
  • two rooms for small group work,
  • a sanitary area for children aged 3-6 years,
  • a staff room,
  • a kitchenette,
  • material rooms and a cleaning room


Outdoor Facilities

Our extensive garden, which surrounds the kindergarten building, offers a variety of play opportunities that give the children the chance to gain experience with all their senses and through movement.

In the outdoor area there are

  • several sand areas,
  • various climbing and exercise equipment,
  • a barefoot path with a listening stone,
  • a ravine with a spring and much more.

Thanks to the central location of our facility, all Gundelfingen and Wildtäler playgrounds and the Wildtäler forest are within easy reach and are used by our groups as an extended range of outdoor exercise and play activities.




During the day, the children have the option of a free breakfast with snacks brought from home. There is also the option of ordering a hot lunch for your child. This can be chosen for three to five days, alternatively you can pack a second snack for your child. Lunch is delivered by the regular caterer Kinderleicht genießen.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 14/03/2025 13:50:30)