Kita Am See

Kita Am See
Am See 6
72663 Großbettlingen
Funding authority
Gemeinde Großbettlingen
Schweizerhof 2
72663 Großbettlingen
07022 45824 (Frau Schreck)
Opening times7:00 AM - 5:00 PM o'clock
Closing days25.04-26.04.2024 Pädagogische Tage
10.05.2024 Christi Himmelfahrt - Brückentag
31.05.2024 Fronleichnam - Brückentag
18.06.2024 Betriebsausflug
04.10.2024 Tag der Deutschen Einheit - Brückentag
14.10.2024-15.10.2014 Pädagogische Tage
13.11.2024 Rot Kreuz Kurs für alle Mitarbeiter
23.12.2024-06.01.2025 Weihnachtsferien

10.06.2024 Auszählung der Wahl, Kleinkindgruppen normal geöffnet, Großes Haus - Notgruppe
11.07.2024-12.07.2024 Ausflug und Übernachtung der zukünftigen
Schulkinder, Kleinkindgruppen normal geöffnet,
Großes Haus Notgruppe
Foreign languages German (bilingual concept), English (bilingual concept), Russian (bilingual concept), Turkish (bilingual concept)
Specially educational concept child oriented education, daily routine language education, Froebel education, infans, intercultural education, Juul education, livebased approach, Montessori education, nature education, open concept, open work, Emmi Pikler, project approach, Science/Project methods, Reggio Emilia approach, Situation approach, Situation orientated approach, Wood-Pedagogy
Extras Child care for physical education, Integrative facility, Papilio, Pets, care with lunch, cooperation facility, flexible care, full day care, scientific orientation (e.g. KidsgoMINT)
Pets Kindergartenhund

Current information

"Tell me and I forget, show me and I remember, let me do it and I understand." - Confucius

We act according to this proverb every day in our dealings with the children entrusted to us. It expresses the attitude of our team and our understanding of looking at the child. We enthusiastically accompany the children in their everyday lives and are delighted when the spark is ignited.

"Only those who burn themselves can kindle the fire in others" - St. Augustine

We take our children and their diverse interests seriously, accompany them in their play, discovery and research and encourage them to get to the bottom of their own questions according to their age. We are at their side as confidants - we see ourselves as "enablers"!

In everyday life together, the children explore their world at their own pace, with friends and caregivers in open spaces of experience.

We are committed to ensuring that the different needs and concerns of families are taken into account. We are very happy to accept children with special care needs in our home.

Every child is unique!

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With and from each other

Around 90 children aged 1-6 attend our daycare center. Our building is designed so that children of different ages can meet in themed rooms, play together, laugh and discover the world:

Together and from each other is important to us. Our older children are role models and encourage imitation. In return, the older children learn from the younger ones how important it is to be considerate and how social interaction can be practiced.

Special attention is paid to our youngest children. In a protected area, they have the opportunity to gain their first experience of interacting with their peers. This takes place against the background of the latest findings in infant and toddler research and is based on the principles of Pikler toddler education. Together, we always explore the question of how everyday life in crèches and daycare centers can be designed in such a way that the special interests and needs of the youngest children can be carefully addressed and a relaxed atmosphere created.

With an extended toddler group, we have created the opportunity to shape the transition of children under the age of 3 into the big house with loving and individual support. Together, we develop a pedagogical approach that gives space to the child's development of autonomy - attentively observing and carefully guiding - creates trust and strengthens the quality of the relationship.


Discover our possibilities - what makes us special?

An honest, trusting and intensive relationship between child and teacher is of particular importance throughout the kindergarten years. For us pedagogical specialists, it is therefore important to build up and continuously maintain the important teacher-child relationship. After all, learning and education are only possible if the child develops a relationship with themselves, with other people and with their environment.

Children should feel comfortable in our daycare center

In order to feel comfortable, children also need rooms that are appealing and stimulating; materials that are challenging and varied; topics that are challenging and arouse curiosity; and real parts of the world that show what works and what doesn't and how and where to get help.

In our various adventure areas, children can freely explore their individual topics and interests and receive a variety of age-appropriate stimuli for their development and education.

We educators accompany, support, challenge, comfort and provide closeness, time and security so that each child can experience these diverse educational opportunities step by step at his or her own pace.

"Children are like butterflies in the wind. Some fly higher than others, but they all fly as well as they can. Don't compare them with each other, because every child is unique, wonderful and very special!" - Francois Rabelais

"A child is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled." - Francois Rabelais

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Daily Schedule

The daily routine in our daycare center alternates between free play and fixed group activities. The day in the house or in the forest follows a fixed routine with recurring elements and rituals that give the children orientation and security.

Daily routine Ü3

    07:00 to 09:00: Arrival time/free play and snack
    09:00 to 13:00: Forest groups go into the forest
    09:00 to 09:30: Morning round of the reference groups
    09:30 to 12:15: Free play in our adventure areas incl. garden and snack
    11:30 am to 2:00 pm: Lunch and nap for younger children Care model II - IV
    12:15 p.m. to 12:50 p.m.: Color meeting for the middle and older children
    1:00 p.m.: Pick-up time care model I Ü3
    1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.: Lunch for older children Care model II - IV
    14:00: Pick-up time for childcare model II
    2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.: Free play or relaxation in our adventure areas
    3:00 p.m.: Afternoon snack Care model III - IV
    3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.: Free play in our adventure areas
    2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.: Variable pick-up time Care model III - IV

You can read the exact descriptions of the group activities in detail in the concept.

Daily routine crèche and extended toddler group

    07:00 to 09:00: Arrival, free play incl. garden, snack
    09:00 to 09:10: Playgroup
    09:10 to 12:00: Free play incl. garden for childcare model I U3
    11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.: Lunch and sleep for childcare model II
    from 14:00: as daily routine Ü3

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Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 29/02/2024 18:55:35)

Offered care types at Jul 27, 2024:

Kind of care
 Krippe gantgags (an drei Tagen bis 17 Uhr)
 Krippe ganztags (an vier Tagen bis 17 Uhr)
 Krippe halbtags
 Krippe verlängerte Öffnungszeiten
 Kindergarten gantgags (an drei Tagen bis 17 Uhr)
 Kindergarten ganztags (an vier Tagen bis 17 Uhr)
 Kindergarten verlängerte Öffnungszeiten


The orientation plan for education and upbringing for kindergartens in Baden-Württemberg is our binding working material. We have been using the "infans" concept for years to implement this plan. It is based on the assumption that every child develops individually and forms their own image of the world in the process. We accompany the children in their educational processes, supporting and challenging them. This requires regular, intensive observation and reflection on each individual child.

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Our team

Children need adults as reliable persons who provide them with opportunities for their development and learning, who accompany and stimulate them. This requires professionals who are companions, who develop visions, who see themselves as researchers and involve the children's creative powers.

Our professionals have qualified training, take part in annual further and advanced training and are committed to their personal development. Twice a year, our team realigns its pedagogy for the coming period during the Pedagogical Days (2 days each).

Weekly team meetings are used to work on specialist topics, plan and exchange information. In addition, regular meetings are held in the individual small teams. Our team is in a constant process of reflection and exploration and we encourage diversity of opinion.

We have common goals, values and rules for working together; we are characterized by a great sense of "we". For us, openness, empathy, authenticity, warm-heartedness and cheerfulness at all times are fundamental prerequisites for successful teamwork.

Our motto is:
"With a motivated team, you can achieve just about anything." - Tahir Sha


As a training center, we are responsible for providing qualified training for our trainees together with the relevant vocational schools.

We want to live up to this claim, because supervising the various internships not only gives us pleasure, but also enriches our pedagogical work in many ways. Our aim is to counteract the shortage of skilled workers and inspire more young people to take up this challenging profession.

Work shadowing

Specialist schools, providers and educational specialists regularly visit us to get to know our establishment and our work. We are happy to pass on our experience and appreciate the interest shown.

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Konzeption und Info-Heft (Concept and information booklet available for download on our homepage)

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Kindergarten - Primary school

The educational partnership between kindergarten and elementary school has a high priority in our institution. The cooperation with Großbettlingen elementary school is based on the Federal Ministry of Education and Research's model project "Bildungshaus 3-10/Intensivkooperation", which offers children the opportunity to learn and play together over a period of several years.

"Fritz-Ruoff" technical college for social pedagogy in Nürtingen

We have been an official cooperation partner of the vocational school in Nürtingen for several years. This cooperation enables us to gain a wide range of practical experience in all areas of social education. Together with the technical college, we plan and design an enriching educational variety.

Educational partnership with "Albrecht Bühler, Baum und Garten GmbH"

In 2017, an educational partnership was established between our daycare center and the specialist company. The Chamber of Industry and Commerce supports the expansion and promotion of this partnership.

Choir of the TSuGV

"Singing in the choir" takes place regularly at the daycare center. This is supported and maintained by a trained choirmaster. Joint events with the choirs of the local TSuGV are part of a good partnership.

Cooperation with the Protestant church

Cooperation with the church has become an important part of our work. The daycare center regularly participates in festivals and church services of the Protestant parish.

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Teamwork with parents

Cooperation with parents

Involving parents and guardians in the kindergarten work from the very beginning is an important prerequisite for a successful educational partnership. Trust, openness and the opinions of parents and caregivers are particularly important to us. Our annual survey shows us what parents and caregivers see as positive and where they see room for criticism.

We want to give parents and guardians as much transparency as possible about the development and everyday life of each child. To this end, we offer regular discussions - both between "door and door" and two intensive development meetings per year. Parents and caregivers are welcome to contribute their ideas and resources to the kindergarten. We are delighted to have parents and caregivers who support us with their ideas and energy and who stand by our side.

Parents' Council

The Parents' Council, which is constituted every year, supports us in all important matters relating to the kindergarten. It also acts as a mediator between parents and those responsible for education and the kindergarten team. Good cooperation is very important to us and has been practiced successfully for years.

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Certifications & awards

House of Little Scientists

We have been certified as a "Little Scientists' House" (PDF document, 334.53 KB, 24.02.2022) for the 5th time in a row since 2010. The non-profit Haus der kleinen Forscher foundation has been committed to improving the education of children of nursery and primary school age in the fields of science, mathematics, IT, technology and education for sustainable development since 2006.

With the certification, the foundation supports the quality development of educational institutions that value the commitment to science education and make it visible to the outside world.

Our educational staff undergo continuous training in order to support this natural interest of children in a developmentally appropriate manner.

"Come on board the healthy boat"

Plenty of exercise and a balanced diet are essential for the healthy development of our children. "Komm mit in das gesunde Boot" is a program of the Baden-Württemberg Foundation to promote the health of children aged 0-10 years. This project introduces children to these topics in an age-appropriate way. Further training for all educational staff took place in February 2022.

DIN EN ISO 9001 certification

Our quality management has been certified in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001 since January 2015. Re-certification took place in 2017 and 2019.

The Carusos

"The Carusos! Every child has a voice!" - is the quality brand of the German Choral Association for child-friendly singing in kindergartens and daycare centers. The Carusos stand for the joy of singing together and promoting the musical development of every child. Our daycare center has been certified as a "Carusos" kindergarten since 2015.

Benno - Our kindergarten dog

Our kindergarten dog passed his certification as a visiting dog-human team with flying colors. Benno comes to the daycare center regularly and is an important "educator" in our house.

"EMIL - learning to regulate emotions"

With "EMIL", the ZNL Transfer Center for Neuroscience and Learning Ulm has developed a kindergarten concept that has been tried and tested in practice and successfully evaluated. Our educational staff are familiar with this concept and use it on a daily basis in the facility.


Since 2010, our daycare center has won various prizes and awards:

  •     2010: Prizeworthy

    Education competition "A bridge to a common path" organized by the Kreissparkasse education foundation. How a forest house connects generations was recognized by the jury as particularly successful.

  •     2012: 1st prize Kita Star

    Particularly noteworthy is the 1st place KiTa Star 2012 for the room concept "The room as the third educator". It is based on Reggio pedagogy and totally convinced the jury. The element-i education foundation regularly awards daycare centers with the pedagogy innovation prize KitaStar at the future congress for education and care "Invest in Future".

  •     2012: 1st prize for the spirit of research

Children, parents and educators were equally enthusiastic about the joint project "A journey around the world in 80 days" in 2012. We were awarded 1st place in the nationwide Forschergeist prize and those involved still rave about this project today.

  •     2013: 3rd prize Kita Star

   The element-i education foundation regularly awards daycare centers with the pedagogical innovation prize KitaStar at the future congress for education and care "Invest in Future".

  • 2014: 1st prize BPM2the People Award

The BPM2thePeople Award is presented by the Process Management Alliance e.V. to outstanding BPM projects in the education or social sector. The project at the "Am See" daycare center impressed the jury in the areas of role model function, innovation and efficiency.

  • 2017: 1st place

"Mint starts in kindergarten", Kreissparkasse education foundation

  • 2020: Worthy of an award

"Democracy in the daycare center", Kreissparkasse education competition

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