Kita Am See

Kita Am See
Am See 6
72663 Großbettlingen
Funding authority
Gemeinde Großbettlingen
Schweizerhof 2
72663 Großbettlingen
07022 45824 (Frau Schreck)
Opening times7:00 AM - 5:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysZu Ihrer Information nachfolgend die Schließtage der Kita Am See für das Kindergartenjahr 2025:

Brückentag: 02.05.2025

Brückentag: 30.05.2025

Brückentag: 20.06.2025

Weihnachtsferien: 22.12.2025 - 07.12.2026

Pädagogische Tage geschlossen:

17.03.2025 / 18.03.2025

09.10.2025 / 10.10.2025

Personalversammlung geschlossen

11.03.2025 ab 14:00 Uhr

An folgenden Tagen wird eine Notgruppe bis 14 Uhr eingerichtet, die Kleingruppen sind regulär geöffnet:

Übernachtung Schulkinder

17.07. / 18.07.2025
Foreign languages German (bilingual concept), English (bilingual concept), Russian (bilingual concept), Turkish (bilingual concept)
Specially educational concept child oriented education, daily routine language education, Froebel education, infans, intercultural education, Juul education, livebased approach, Montessori education, nature education, open concept, open work, Emmi Pikler, project approach, Science/Project methods, Reggio Emilia approach, Situation approach, Situation orientated approach, Wood-Pedagogy
Extras Child care for physical education, Integrative facility, Papilio, Pets, care with lunch, cooperation facility, flexible care, full day care, scientific orientation (e.g. KidsgoMINT)
Pets Kindergartenhund

Current information

"Tell me and I forget, show me and I remember, let me do it and I understand." - Confucius

We act according to this proverb every day in our dealings with the children entrusted to us. It expresses the attitude of our team and our understanding of looking at the child. We enthusiastically accompany the children in their everyday lives and are delighted when the spark is ignited.

"Only those who burn themselves can kindle the fire in others" - St. Augustine

We take our children and their diverse interests seriously, accompany them in their play, discovery and research and encourage them to get to the bottom of their own questions according to their age. We are at their side as confidants - we see ourselves as "enablers"!

In everyday life together, the children explore their world at their own pace, with friends and caregivers in open spaces of experience.

We are committed to ensuring that the different needs and concerns of families are taken into account. We are very happy to accept children with special care needs in our home.

Every child is unique!

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With and from each other

Around 90 children aged 1-6 attend our daycare center. Our building is designed so that children of different ages can meet in themed rooms, play together, laugh and discover the world:

Together and from each other is important to us. Our older children are role models and encourage imitation. In return, the older children learn from the younger ones how important it is to be considerate and how social interaction can be practiced.

Special attention is paid to our youngest children. In a protected area, they have the opportunity to gain their first experience of interacting with their peers. This takes place against the background of the latest findings in infant and toddler research and is based on the principles of Pikler toddler education. Together, we always explore the question of how everyday life in crèches and daycare centers can be designed in such a way that the special interests and needs of the youngest children can be carefully addressed and a relaxed atmosphere created.

With an extended toddler group, we have created the opportunity to shape the transition of children under the age of 3 into the big house with loving and individual support. Together, we develop a pedagogical approach that gives space to the child's development of autonomy - attentively observing and carefully guiding - creates trust and strengthens the quality of the relationship.


Discover our possibilities - what makes us special?

An honest, trusting and intensive relationship between child and teacher is of particular importance throughout the kindergarten years. For us pedagogical specialists, it is therefore important to build up and continuously maintain the important teacher-child relationship. After all, learning and education are only possible if the child develops a relationship with themselves, with other people and with their environment.

Children should feel comfortable in our daycare center

In order to feel comfortable, children also need rooms that are appealing and stimulating; materials that are challenging and varied; topics that are challenging and arouse curiosity; and real parts of the world that show what works and what doesn't and how and where to get help.

In our various adventure areas, children can freely explore their individual topics and interests and receive a variety of age-appropriate stimuli for their development and education.

We educators accompany, support, challenge, comfort and provide closeness, time and security so that each child can experience these diverse educational opportunities step by step at his or her own pace.

"Children are like butterflies in the wind. Some fly higher than others, but they all fly as well as they can. Don't compare them with each other, because every child is unique, wonderful and very special!" - Francois Rabelais

"A child is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled." - Francois Rabelais

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Daily Schedule

The daily routine in our daycare center alternates between free play and fixed group activities. The day in the house or in the forest follows a fixed routine with recurring elements and rituals that give the children orientation and security.

Daily routine Ü3

    07:00 to 09:00: Arrival time/free play and snack
    09:00 to 13:00: Forest groups go into the forest
    09:00 to 09:30: Morning round of the reference groups
    09:30 to 12:15: Free play in our adventure areas incl. garden and snack
    11:30 am to 2:00 pm: Lunch and nap for younger children Care model II - IV
    12:15 p.m. to 12:50 p.m.: Color meeting for the middle and older children
    1:00 p.m.: Pick-up time care model I Ü3
    1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.: Lunch for older children Care model II - IV
    14:00: Pick-up time for childcare model II
    2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.: Free play or relaxation in our adventure areas
    3:00 p.m.: Afternoon snack Care model III - IV
    3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.: Free play in our adventure areas
    2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.: Variable pick-up time Care model III - IV

You can read the exact descriptions of the group activities in detail in the concept.

Daily routine crèche and extended toddler group

    07:00 to 09:00: Arrival, free play incl. garden, snack
    09:00 to 09:10: Playgroup
    09:10 to 12:00: Free play incl. garden for childcare model I U3
    11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.: Lunch and sleep for childcare model II
    from 14:00: as daily routine Ü3

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Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 29/02/2024 18:55:35)