The BRK-Kinderhaus Grafing “Am Stadion” is located on the outskirts of Grafing, close to the elementary school, sports facilities and the great outdoors. Our facility offers space for a total of 124 children from the age of one to ten.
Our opening hours are Monday to Friday from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm.
The building has a total of six group rooms with adjoining rooms for retreat, sleeping or doing homework. A large multi-purpose room for exercise and events is available to all groups. In addition, the house is surrounded by a large garden that invites all age groups to romp, run and climb. In various activities such as themed projects, free play opportunities, festivals throughout the year and shared rituals, the children are encouraged holistically in accordance with the Bavarian education and upbringing plan. Participation is the top priority here. It is important to us that the children participate in decision-making, contribute their own interests and thus experience self-efficacy. For us, this begins in the crèche and continues right through to after-school care.
Due to our proximity to nature, we have a weekly forest day. This enables the children to get to know nature better and strengthen their motor skills. We also work closely with the nearby library, which we visit regularly to borrow books and listen to stories. As we have a large mix of ages in our house and everyone has the opportunity to develop and learn from each other, we regularly offer mixed-age activities. For example, there are joint crèche and kindergarten morning circles and the kindergarten children are allowed to visit the after-school children during the vacations.
For further information on our educational work, please refer to the concept.