The BKR Kinderhaus Rappelkiste in Grafing is located at Rotterstr. 6, in the immediate vicinity of the town center. We offer space for 69 children aged 2 to 6 years. The opening hours are from Monday to Friday from 7 am to 5 pm.
The children are currently cared for in 3 groups with approx. 18 children. Two groups, the yellow and the green group, are located on the first floor. The blue group is on the 1st floor. The gym, reading room and pre-school room are located on the 2nd floor.
We work according to the partially open concept, i.e. during free play time in the morning and afternoon, the children have the opportunity to choose play areas and development opportunities according to their individual needs and abilities. Through various activities and projects, the children are supported holistically according to the Bavarian education and upbringing plan.
Our regular appointments in the kindergarten year include festivals throughout the year, visits to the library, fixed nature days / forest days at any time of the year, as well as excursions / trips, adapted to the children's projects and topics.
In addition, we offer our children a wide range of organic and selected foods from local businesses for breakfast in the morning and a small snack in the afternoon. Our offer includes: e.g. muesli, seasonal fruit and vegetables, bread and pretzels. The children have the opportunity to help prepare breakfast every day.