Evangelischer Kindergarten Himmelszelt

ab 2 bis zum Schuleintritt

Evangelischer Kindergarten Himmelszelt
Paul-Taubadel-Straße 5
02827 Görlitz
Funding authority
Evangelische Christuskirchengemeinde
Paul-Taubadel-Straße 5
02827 Görlitz
03581/4389740 (Kerstin Heinrich)
03581/732723 (Kerstin Heinrich)
Opening times6:30 AM - 4:30 PM o'clock
Closing days-Freitag nach Himmelfahrt
-3wöchige Sommerschließzeit- Austausch mit anderem Kindergarten
- zwischen Weihnachten und Neujahr
- 2pädagogische Tage- ausgeschildert
Denomination evangelic
Specially educational concept Situation approach
Extras care with lunch

Current information


Our Himmelszelt christian kindergarten is located in Görlitz Rauschwalde. We are a very small facility with 32 children from 2-6 years of age. Our work is situation-oriented and we have open rooms.

Our team is made up of 3 educators and a manager. The children call us by our first names: Kerstin (Heinrich), Dani (Brussig), Carola (Mühle) and Sina (Hanspach).

Ramona from the Vebego company is responsible for tidiness and cleanliness.



Each teacher has a room assigned to her.

There are 4 rooms and the movement and sleeping room. In the cold season, we use the room also as a movement room. The children use their wooden planks to build various activity stations.

The kitchen is used for experimentation and creative activities, such as inking with paint, mixing different colors, pipette techniques and much more. Baking and fruit salad are also prepared there.

The next room is used as a construction room. Various materials are available there. E.g. chestnuts, sticks, cloths, muggle stones and much more.

A play room encourages changing, puppet play and Punch and Judy games. Rule games, puzzles and much more are also on offer.

The children can develop their fine motor skills in the creative room. The children can take advantage of many arts and crafts activities. Or they can express themselves creatively by painting pictures or expressing their creativity to others. There are also games for the younger children, which they can use in a quiet corner.






Outdoor Facilities

Our children love our outdoor playground. There are many opportunities for the children to live out their imagination.

Daily Schedule

Our kindergarten opens from 6:30am - 4:30pm.

At 7:30am - breakfast from home. Children who have already eaten breakfast can play independently in the play or activity room.

8:30am-9:00am Morning circle.

   Children who come between the morning circle are asked to wait. The morning circle should not be disturbed.  

9:00 a.m. to approx. 9:45 a.m. Free play with activities.

9:45am drinks break and getting dressed. Outdoor play.

11:10am to 11:30am Undressing, drinks etc.

11:30am-12:00pm Lunch.

12:00pm-12:20pm Undressing, preparation for the afternoon nap.

12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Nap time

2:00pm-2:30pm Getting dressed, closing circle

14:30-15:00 snack

15:00 - 16:30 Free play or outdoor play

In summer we are on our playground from 9:00am.


Since 01.01.2015 we have been getting our food from "Emmerichs" - the cantine at the town hall. Very tasty and everything is freshly cooked.

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