Kindertagesstätte Am Klinikum "Firlefanz und Wirbelwind"

Ab vollendetem 1. Lebensjahr bis zum Schuleintritt Betreuung in altersangeglichenen Gruppen

Kindertagesstätte Am Klinikum "Firlefanz und Wirbelwind"
Virchowstraße 18
08371 Glauchau
Funding authority
GGB Gesellschaft zur ganzheitlichen Bildung gemeinnützige GmbH Sachsen
Rudolf-Breitscheid-Straße 2
08371 Glauchau
03763/4418740 (Julia Breier)
Opening times6:00 AM - 5:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysBrückentage:

Pädagogische Tage:

Schließtage Weihnachten/Neujahr:
27.12. - 01.01.2024 (erster Kita-Tag 2023: 02.01.2024)
Foreign languages German, English (bilingual concept)
Specially educational concept daily routine language education, Situation orientated approach
Extras Barrier-free, Integrative facility, care with lunch, full day care


Such a frippery? - Early childhood education from the very beginning!

Early childhood education is our vocation! From the moment your child enters the daycare center, we attach great importance to providing loving care for your child. With holistic offers and free play activities we want to support your child to develop according to his or her personality.

For us, the well-being of the children comes first. Only in this way learning can be fun and lead to success. A trusting relationship with the educator is just as important as a positive group feeling.

We see our work in the daycare center as complementary to the family. Therefore, it is especially important to us that the parents' home and the daycare center work closely together. This makes all of you an important partner in our work.

Our Highlights

Action-oriented learning - The learning workshops

  • Creating an appealing learning environment or framework conditions (room design and provision of materials)
  • Children learn largely self-directed and according to their own learning pace

Play - the child's occupation

  • Play environment in which children can try things out freely
  • Acquisition of important skills they will need for future life
  • Interaction with other children is central (agreement, empathy and teamwork)

Cultural techniques - arithmetic, writing, reading.... isn't that too early?

  • Children come into contact with writing, quantities, language from the very beginning
  • especially in the preschool year close cooperation with the elementary schools


And all this in English?

  • English in a playful way all day long in the day care center
  • support by an English-speaking educator
  • expands the vocabulary of the children
  • contact with other cultures promotes openness and tolerance

When? How? Where? Who?

  • Admission from the completed first year of life


  • two groups for a total of 15 children from 1-3 years
  • 3 groups with a total of 30 children from 3 to 6 years
  • Working in a fixed group structure with a reference teacher


Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/03/2025 06:46:50)