Ev. Kindergarten Weidenhausen

3 Jahre bis 6 Jahre (Einschulung), eine Eingewöhnung ist frühestens 8 Wochen vor dem 3. Geburtstag möglich

Ev. Kindergarten Weidenhausen
Ostring 2A
35075 Gladenbach
Funding authority
Evangelisches Dekanat Biedenkopf-Gladenbach
Im Grund 4
35239 Steffenberg
06462/5770 (Frauke Dissars)
Opening times7:30 AM - 4:30 PM o'clock
Closing daysFreitags Betreuung bis 15.00 Uhr. Kann bedauerlicherweise bei Öffnungszeiten nicht abweichend eingegeben werden. Osterferien: Donnerstag vor Karfreitag und Dienstag nach Ostern

Sommerferien in der Regel 14 Tage

Weihnachtsferien um die Weihnachtstage und zwischen den Jahren

3-5 Konzeptionstage oder Teamfortbildungstage zum Hessischen Bildungs- und Erziehungsplan

1 Grundreinigungstag

ca. 25 Tage geschlossen

Ferientermine werden in der ersten Kitaausschusssitzung für das übernächste Jahr beschlossen um den Eltern eine bessere Planungssicherheit über zwei Zeitjahre zu geben.
Foreign languages German, English
Denomination evangelic
Specially educational concept child oriented education, daily routine language education, intercultural education, nature education, open concept, project approach, Science/Project methods, Situation approach, Wood-Pedagogy
Extras Child care with special focus on environmental education, care with lunch, for children with special educational needs, full day care
Pets Keine Haustiere

Current information

Dear Parents,

If you would like to choose our EWaKiWei forest group in Weidenhausen for the care of your child instead of our day care centre, it would be nice if you could mention this on the registration form. It is a conscious decision of the parents to register their child for the daily stay in nature. Then we know immediately how many day care places and how many forest group places have already been allocated. If a child has special needs, we should know as early as possible.
We would be happy to explain our pedagogical concept to you in a personal meeting and send you the concept of the day care centre or the forest day care centre in electronic form.
General information: 
This year we have summer holidays from 07.-18.08.2023, autumn holidays from 23.10.- 27.10.23 and Christmas holidays from 27.12.-29.12.23. Unfortunately we cannot respond to your enquiries during this time. Thank you for your understanding!




nice that you are interested in more information about us. We hope to get to know each other personally.

Our day care centre can care for up to 50 children, aged from 3 years to school entry.
Our pedagogical concept is strongly child-oriented. We have an open concept and work according to the situational approach. This means that every morning the children can decide which activities and projects they would like to take part in. The educational activities are discussed with the children in the morning circle. This is how children learn independence and self-efficacy. We, the professionals, are happy to accompany them and learn co-constructively with and from the children.
For example, we offer handicrafts and design, building and construction, psychomotricity, playing and romping in our natural outdoor area, movement in the multi-purpose room, music, excursions into the surrounding area, religious education and much more.
In addition, we have focus rooms such as the creative room and the construction room, the library, the multi-purpose room and the kitchen. The kitchen is used as a room for breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack or for baking and enjoyment. 
For children with special needs, care places are also available upon request, depending on capacity. Our activities for school children include Marburg Concentration Training, Number Land, research, ball games, relaxation exercises, Cool Strong Kids, excursions e.g. to the Kneipp treading pool, hiking and a school farewell day before starting school. On the last day of kindergarten and at the end, the school farewell day takes place.Our pedagogical team in the nursery and in the forest group consists of 10 qualified professionals with different specialisations, further education and additional qualifications. 
We are an all-day facility with lunch and afternoon care.Children who attend the forest group can be cared for in addition to the forest time in the day care centre from lunch onwards.

Since 2016, our forest group EWaKiWei has complemented us all year round with 20 places.

The forest children live and learn in and from nature every day; numerous adventures and activities await them, also in cooperation with the day care centre. Our pedagogical focus here is on nature education. From a pedagogical point of view, the daily stay in the forest in the mornings enables beneficial experiences for the entire child development at any time of the year. Impressions of nature and sensory experiences can be perceived particularly intensively. 

During playtime, there is the opportunity for free play and small group work, differentiated according to age or interests. There are also excursions, research and experimentation, creative design and building and children's conferences. The school programme takes place in the same way as in the day care centre. 

For extreme weather conditions, a shelter is available at the sports field. The forest area of the forest group and the material house are located above it. To ensure the safety of the children, the woodland is looked after by a professional forest maintenance company. If you decide to join the forest group, there is no transfer to the day care centre. Here, too, children with special needs are cared for upon request, depending on capacity.



Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 03/07/2023 16:47:53)