Mittagsbetreuung Arnoldus-GS


Mittagsbetreuung Arnoldus-GS
Talhofstraße 5
82205 Gilching
Funding authority
Gemeinde Gilching
Rathausplatz 1
82205 Gilching
08105/386646 (Gemeinde Gilching Frau Schierz)
Opening times11:00 AM - 2:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysIn den Ferien findet keine Betreuung statt.


Thank you for your interest in our facility. 
Children from all four grades of Arnoldus Elementary School come to us after classes end until 2 pm. They are free to choose which of three themed rooms they would like to spend time in.
The focus of our work is on your children, who can act in a self-determined manner.
There is a studio with extensive handicraft materials where the children can give free rein to their creativity and imagination.
their creativity and imagination. Here the children can be creative, try things out and develop skills.
In the casino they can play board and card games as well as in the building corner with various systems. Table soccer and mini billiards are also popular, as well as table tennis.
Children can retreat to the dream room if they like it a little quieter. Here they can browse through the bookshelf
bookshelf and read in peace, listen to music (also with headphones) or make themselves comfortable with pillows, scarves and blankets.
and blankets.
Furthermore, there is the possibility to use the attractively designed playground of the elementary school. The children can really let off steam here, climbing on the boulder wall, boarding the pirate ship or playing soccer.
Of course, there is also a lunch break. The children can either eat the snack they have brought with them or have a warm meal in the cafeteria of the neighboring high school.
The dedicated caregivers strive to create a pleasant environment in which the children feel comfortable and can develop freely. We promote social togetherness and encourage playing and actions together,
set limits and create rules for orientation. 
For the well-being of the children, we value constructive and trusting cooperation with parents, teachers
as well as with the sponsor, the municipality of Gilching, is very important to us. The basis for this is a lively exchange of experiences and


Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/03/2025 01:59:14)