Haus für Kinder

1-3 Jahre Krippe 3-6 Jahre Kindergarten

Haus für Kinder
Frauwiesenweg 6
82205 Gilching
Funding authority
Gemeinde Gilching
Rathausplatz 1
82205 Gilching
Opening times7:00 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock
Closing days30 zzgl 5 Fortbildungstage
Specially educational concept nature education, partially open concept, Situation orientated approach
Extras Barrier-free, care with lunch


In our house for children, which is located at the edge of the forest in Gilching, about 100 children play, laugh and discover the world together with 22 teachers every day.

Our 6 groups, which are divided into 4 crib groups and 2 kindergarten groups, are named after different plants: sage, lavender, woodruff, fennel, balm and mint - names that have come about together with the children's experiences of nature.

We make use of our proximity to the forest and our love of nature by going out into the fresh air every day. Whether it is forest days, tending to our flower beds, or simply running around in the garden - there is always a "breath of fresh air".

Our concept is based on a needs-oriented pedagogy. Our concern is to accompany the child holistically, to recognise and perceive its needs and to organise everyday life according to the needs of the child and the group.

Another important building block for us is the Montessori pedagogy, which can already be wonderfully implemented at nursery age, whether with the exercises of daily life or cosmic education.

The work with the families, the parents' council and our support association enables us, despite the size of our house, to create a family atmosphere in order to give your child a protected area in which it can get to know and develop its own resources.


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