Denk mit! Zwerge Gilching

Denk mit! Zwerge Gilching
Friedrichshafener Straße 3
82205 Gilching
Funding authority
Denk mit! Kinderbetreuungseinrichtungen GmbH & Co. KG
Herzog-Wilhelm-Str. 26
80331 München
089-512668874 (Frau Marinkovic)
Opening times7:00 AM - 5:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysmax. 30 Tage im Jahr
Extras care with lunch, flexible care


Our high-quality and lovingly equipped nursery was opened in September 2009. There is room for 48 children aged 10 months to 3 years to play, romp and learn. Our day nursery is located in the industrial park "Astopark". In addition to spacious playrooms and bedrooms, the children have access to their own beautifully landscaped garden at the back of the building.

There is plenty of space for the children to explore, investigate and investigate.
children have many opportunities for retreat and also challenges, where by our focus is always on the needs of the children.
Early in the morning, many children and parents meet during drop-off time in the common checkroom area of our facility, where we welcome them warmly every day. Here, each child has his or her own place for their own clothes and shoes. Immediately after our pedagogical staff welcomes the children in the group room, a short consultation with the parents can always take place.

You can read our conception under the link

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/07/2024 02:35:25)

Offered care types at Jul 27, 2024:

Kind of carecount places
48 Places


A loving, appreciative encounter with the child is just as important to us as holistic support. The participation of the children in the group activities is of great importance to us. The children are actors in the daily events. We always pay attention to an appreciative, respectful communication with the children and enjoy being able to accompany them on their way every day. The children should be able to develop individually and discover and experience the world with much curiosity and joy.

Since September 2017, our nursery has been participating in the federal program "Sprach-Kita". Under the guiding principle "Because language is the key to the world", the federal program is funded by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ). The goal of the program is to improve language education in a holistic manner. In addition to language education integrated into everyday life, the three pillars of the Sprach-Kita also promote inclusive education and cooperation with families.
are promoted.

In our facility, we offer all children full board, which means breakfast,
lunch and the afternoon snack is provided by the nursery.

You are welcome to read our concept under the link


Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/07/2024 02:35:25)


1. Children living in the municipality of Gilching
2. Siblings
3. Children whose mother or father is a single parent working or in training
4. Children whose family is in a special emergency situation
5. children whose legal guardians are both employed or in training
6. Children who need care in a day care center in the interest of social integration.
7. Age group of the children

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/07/2024 02:35:25)

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