Alimonia Kids Gemüsemäuschen

1-4 Jahren

Alimonia Kids Gemüsemäuschen
St.-Gilgener-Straße 25
82205 Gilching
Funding authority
Großtagespflege Alimonia Kids
St.-Gilgener-Straße 25
82205 Gilching
Opening times7:30 AM - 3:30 PM o'clock
Closing daysWinterferien 2 Wochen geschlossen,
Osterferien 1 Woche geschlossen
Pfingsferien 1 Woche geschlossen,
Sommerferien 3 Wochen geschlossen,
Specially educational concept Situation orientated approach
Extras Pets, care with lunch
Pets Tiergeschützte Pädagogik- Hunde

Current information


Alimonia Kids- day care for play and nutrition

In our two day care "Alimonia Kids" we look after a maximum of 10 children aged 1-4 years in each house. The houses are right next to each other.

The day care is distinguished from classic day care facilities in particular by its family-oriented concept, which is also reflected in the low number of children.

Our main focus is to give children a feeling for healthy eating right from the start. That is why we cook fresh every day with and for our children.

At Alimonia Kids, dogs are constant companions of the children. Under supervision and accompaniment, the activities are integrated into projects that put animal-protected pedagogy into practice.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 08/12/2022 19:02:44)