Kinder- und Familienzentrum Sophie Scholl

Kinder- und Familienzentrum Sophie Scholl
Stolzenmorgen 30
35394 Gießen
Funding authority
Lebenshilfe Gießen e.V.
Grüninger Weg 26
35415 Pohlheim
0641-94464540 (Frau Taylor (Leitung))
Opening times7:00 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysInsgesamt 25 Tage im Jahr Schließtage. Darunter fallen die letzten drei Wochen der hessischen Sommerferien und alle hessischen gesetzlichen Feiertage.
Specially educational concept inclusion, partially open concept, Situation orientated approach
Extras Barrier-free, Pets, care with lunch, cooperation facility, ergotherapy, family counseling, full day care

Current information


The Sophie Scholl Children's and Family Center of Lebenshilfe Gießen e.V. offers two groups of children between the ages of three and six and two nursery groups between the ages of 10 months and three years the opportunity to play and learn together.

It is a place for education, upbringing and social and cultural inclusion of the children in care and their families. The children's and family center should always be a place of encounter, dialogue, support and education for all families.


Our inclusive educational concept of "pedagogy of diversity" offers all children the opportunity to grow up together, to deal with one another without prejudice and to learn to accept each other and themselves with their strengths and weaknesses. Furthermore, every child is given the help, support and encouragement they need to develop their cognitive and motor skills, their emotionality and their personality, so that they can adjust to their social environment and deal with it according to their possibilities and develop further.

The children receive direct support options for their holistic development directly in the children's and family center. There is a well-functioning network with different therapists, early intervention centers and other intuitions.

We are constantly dealing with new educational processes and the development of all children is monitored and documented.

In our house you will find two crèche groups with a maximum of 10 children between the ages of 10 months and 3 years. In addition, there are two standard groups with a maximum of 25 children between the ages of 2.8 and school entry. The children are cared for and supported pedagogically by three pedagogical specialists.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Leitung: Miss Sarah-Jane Taylor

Stellv. Leitung: Mrs Annette Demandt


Phone: 0641- 944 6454 0


In unserem Kinder- und Familienzentrum gibt es für jede Gruppe einen großzügigen individuellen Gruppenraum. Dieser ist jeweils mit einem Spielhäuschen aus Naturmaterialien sowie weiteren Spielmaterialen, einem Spiel- und Konstruktionstisch, Tischen und Stühlen für kreative Angebote oder Tischspiele u.a. ausgestattet.

Die Krippengruppen haben jeweils einen eigenen Sanitär- und Schlafraum. Diese Räume sind jeweils auf die Bedürfnisse für Kinder unter 3 Jahren angepasst.

Die Kitagruppen teilen sich einen Sanitär- und Schlafraum.

Der großzügig gestaltete Flurbereich soll ein Ort der Begegnung der Familien mit einem Elterncafé, Informationstafeln sowie Spielmöglichkeiten für Kinder werden.

Zudem sind ein Bewegungsraum und ein Familienzentrumsraum für verschiedene Angebote vorhabend.

In dem vorhandenem Bistro soll das Frühstück sowie das Mittagessen der Kitagruppen stattfinden. Die Krippengruppen werden voraussichtlich in ihren Gruppenräumen essen.

Die Verwaltungsangestellte und stellvertretende Leitung haben ein eigenes Büro, sowie die Leitung selbst.

Die pädagogischen Fachkräfte haben einen Personalraum für Pausen.

Outdoor Facilities

On the outdoor area of ​​the inclusive children's and family center, the children are encouraged to play and move freely through the shape of the terrain, play and climbing equipment such as a sand construction site and mud table, tree house and materials such as tree trunks, stones, tires, wooden slats, wheels, sand toys, etc. appeals to your senses in a variety of ways. The outdoor area is laid out and set up in such a way that play is close to nature and every child has the opportunity to act according to their abilities and skills as well as their interests. The children can try out and choose and decide independently whether they want to play fast and wild or quiet and withdrawn

Family Center

Because of the increasing cultural diversity in the social area and the need for all-day care, the importance of a child and family center is steadily increasing. The best basis for accompanying all children individually is good and trusting contact between the parents and the educators. In addition, there are many different offers and options for parents as well as for the entire social space. The open and trusting cooperation creates a family-supporting and family-complementary parenting partnership.

Families should be relieved by our different offers in everyday life.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 28/08/2024 10:42:33)