Kita Knirpsenland

ab Vollendung des 1. Lebensjahres bis Schuleintritt

Kita Knirpsenland
Herderstraße 35
07545 Gera
Funding authority
Kinderland 2000 GmbH
Am Sonnenhügel 19
59939 Olsberg
0365/4201599 (Frau Förstermann)
Opening times6:00 AM - 5:00 PM o'clock
early care6:00 AM - 7:00 AM o'clock
late care4:30 PM - 5:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysFreitag nach Himmelfahrt
zwischen Weihnachten und Neujahr
weitere Tage werden Ende eines Jahres für das folgende Jahr bekannt gegeben
Foreign languages German
Specially educational concept livebased approach, nature education
Extras Pets, care with lunch, full day care
Pets Fische, Stabheuschrecken und Besuchstiere (z.B. Landschildkröten)


Holistic, exploratory and discovery learning with all your senses and movement in the natural garden. The specialty of our kindergarten is the large natural garden with deciduous, coniferous and fruit trees.

Learning in nature, the focus is on nature education. All daytime activities are conducted outdoors from May to September. The older children (over 3) spend the day in an outdoor group.


In our daycare center, the children are looked after in 4 group rooms on the ground floor.

Outdoor Facilities

A large, spacious garden area is available for a maximum of 60 children to play, learn and discover. Depending on the weather, we move all activities outdoors. We use the very large garden to naturally challenge and educate the children with little commercial activity and without additional stimuli.


The Hänchen group of companies is responsible for all of the food supply.

The food is produced using the "cook & chill process". That means: The food is freshly prepared, cooled to approx. 4 degrees, transported to the kindergarten and heated to eating temperature by the service staff. To encourage the children's independence, all meals are served in bowls or in the form of a buffet. We purchase baked goods from the local baker.

Fresh fruit is offered every day.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/03/2025 07:38:14)