Villa Kunterbunt

Villa Kunterbunt
Karl-Hall-Straße 11
78187 Geisingen
Funding authority
Stadt Geisingen
Hauptstraße 36
78187 Geisingen
07704 9239297 (Frau Rohner)
Opening times7:30 AM - 1:30 PM o'clock
Closing days27 Schließtage

Current information

Please note:

Kindergarten places from the age of two in the municipal kindergartens "Alte Gerbe" and "Regenbogen" are not available for children who are already being cared for in a nursery in the town of Geisingen from the age of one.


Our building

The day care center "Villa Kunterbunt" is located in an annex of the elementary school and has three group rooms as well as a large garden.Our day care center currently offers 22 places for children aged 3-6 years and 20 day care places for children aged 1-3 years.

In the immediate vicinity is the Geisinger town hall as well as the elementary school and a large parking lot. Playgrounds, stores and the weekly market are also within walking distance.


Our work

"Tell me and I will forget. Show me and I may keep it. Let me do it and I will be able to." Confucius

In order for everyone to feel comfortable in our daycare center and for an educational partnership to succeed well, social interaction and a good exchange of communication are very important to us. Our pedagogical work is based on the orientation plan for education and upbringing in Baden Württemberg. The developmental stage of each child is taken into account and the goal is to educate all children to become individual and independent personalities.


Our team

Our team consists of nine pedagogic specialists and one trainee. We are happy to support future educators with an internship or training in our facility. In order to ensure and constantly improve the quality of our work, we regularly take part in further and advanced training.


Please note:

Kindergarten places from the age of two in the municipal kindergartens "Alte Gerbe" and "Regenbogen" are not available for children who are already being cared for in a nursery in the town of Geisingen from the age of one.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 23/08/2024 07:50:14)