Sankt Maria

2-6 Jahre

Sankt Maria
Roosgartenstraße 11
78187 Geisingen
Funding authority
Kath. Kirchengemeinde Kirchtal-Donau
Kirchweg 1
79780 Stühlingen
07708 1217
Opening times7:15 AM - 12:45 PM o'clock
lunch closing12:45 PM - 2:00 PM o'clock
Closing days30
Foreign languages German
Denomination catholic
Specially educational concept child oriented education, daily routine language education, livebased approach, Situation orientated approach
Extras cooperation facility, language education
Pets keine

Current information

There is no age in which everything is experienced with such insane intensity as in childhood.
We grown-ups should remember what that was like.

Astrid Lindgren



We offer our children

a structured daily routine with rituals and rules
sufficient time and space for independent development
support in all areas of learning
various projects and offers
Christian education and teaching of faith
festivals and celebrations in the church cycle of the year
various play and functional areas
a large outdoor play area
sufficient time for own experiences and learning processes
Language education and promotion
co-determination/participation in everyday life
Preparation for school
(speech drawing, number land, KOOP with the elementary school)
Experiencing nature during walks and forest days
Encouragement of imagination and creativity

We offer our children

a structured daily routine with rituals and rules
sufficient time and space for independent development
support in all areas of learning
various projects and offers
Christian education and teaching of faith
festivals and celebrations in the church cycle of the year
various play and functional areas
a large outdoor play area
sufficient time for own experiences and learning processes
Language education and promotion
co-determination/participation in everyday life
Preparation for school
(speech drawing, number land, KOOP with the elementary school)
Experiencing nature during walks and forest days
Encouragement of imagination and creativity


Our kindergarten

St. Mary's Kindergarten is a single-group facility, with space for up to 25 children ages 2 to 6.

Our premises offer a group room with various play areas, a children's bistro and a retreat room. We also use the spacious hallway with various play corners.

Adjacent to the building is our beautiful garden area with a covered sandbox, various play equipment, a workshop and a barefoot path. We enjoy the quiet surroundings and short distances to the forest and nature...

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