Am Stadtgraben

Krippenbereich: 1,0-3,0 Jahre Kindergartenbereich: 3,0 Jahre-Schuleintritt

Am Stadtgraben
Robert-Knapp-Straße 1
78187 Geisingen
Funding authority
Stadt Geisingen
Hauptstraße 36
78187 Geisingen
07704 8663
Opening times7:30 AM - 4:30 PM o'clock
Closing daysIm Schnitt (je nach Jahreskreis) 25 Tage.
Specially educational concept child oriented education, daily routine language education, partially open concept, project approach, Situation orientated approach
Extras Child care for physical education, care with lunch, full day care


Our day care centre consists of three groups, one of which is a crèche group and two kindergarten groups.

The two kindergarten groups, the "shooting stars" and the "sunshine children", can each accommodate 25 children aged three to six years at the same time. This results in a total of 50 places in the kindergarten area, of which we offer 20 places for full-day care and 30 places for care with extended opening hours.

The crèche of our facility with the name "Mondsteinchen" (little moonstone) offers children aged one to three years, distributed over a total of ten places, the care options of extended opening hours or all-day care.

Further special features of the facility; pedagogical and staff conditions; information about the daily routine and the building etc. can be found in the respective articles with the appropriate heading.


The municipal day care centre "Am Stadtgraben" in Geisingen has been located in its newly renovated building since December 2019. The listed facility from 1920 was expanded and restored. Among other things, a crèche was added and the interior was restructured/rebuilt.

There are two kindergarten group rooms on the upper floor and a crèche room with separate cloakroom in the basement. Furthermore, the facility includes, among other things, a separate creative area with a wood workshop; a spacious movement room; sleeping and resting rooms, as well as a kitchen for home-based educational activities.

Outdoor Facilities

Our day care centre has a large garden that extends in a "U-shape" around the building. The garden area of the crèche is connected to the garden area of the kindergarten via a passageway. The outdoor area includes three sandpits, a wobbly walkway, a nest swing, a large slide, a wooden house in the form of a tent, and a climbing complex for the crèche children. Since spring 2023, parts of the garden have been redesigned and optimised for the children. Among other things, a raised bed has been created; various shrubs have been planted; wooden figures have been set up, etc.

Daily Schedule

Daily routine of the two kindergarten groups "Sonnenkinder" and "Sternschnuppen"


7:30-8:30am: Bring time, free play in the group room.

8:30-8:45 a.m.: Group welcome circle (on Wednesdays there is a morning circle with all the children in the facility in the gymnastics room instead).

8:45-9:30am: Free play in the group room, time for targeted educational activities with small groups within the framework of the partially open concept (e.g. in the garden, in the kitchen, in the gymnastics room, in the wood workshop)

9:30am: Breakfast together

Approx. 10:00-11:45am: Depending on the weather, free play in the group room or in the garden. At the same time, the targeted educational activities are continued within the framework of the partially open concept. In addition, preschool, language support, educational activities for the movement pass and educational activities for the Technolinchen take place on certain days during this period.

11:45 a.m.: The children who take advantage of the hot lunch go to the dining room. The other children have their snack in the group room.

12:45-13:30 p.m.: The children with GT times go to the rest and sleep room. There, a rest period takes place until 1:30 p.m., during which the children have the opportunity to rest or fall asleep and take a nap. The children with after-school hours continue their free play in the group room after the midday snack and must be picked up by 13:30.


13:30-15:30: Depending on the weather, free play in the group room or in the garden. The children who have fallen asleep in the quiet/sleeping room are woken up at 14:30 at the latest.

Approx. 15:30: Afternoon snack together.

Approx. 15:50-16:30: Depending on the weather, free play in the group room or in the garden.

16:30: The children with GT times must be collected.


Daily routine of the crèche group "Moonstones"


7:30-8:30am: Bring time, free play in the group room and time for targeted educational activities.

9:00am: Morning circle

9:20am: Common drinking break

9:20-10:00am: Free play in the gym or outside (garden/walks), depending on the weather.

10:00am: Washing hands followed by breakfast together

10:20-10:45am: Diaper changing time and free movement activities in the nursery's own movement area.

10:45-11:00am: Quiet time (quiet music, room darkening, picture books and other quiet activities)

11:00 a.m.: Joint nap time

approx. 13:00-13:20: Lunch together

13:30: The children with after-school hours must be collected.


13:45: The children are changed again.

2:00 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.: Depending on the weather, free play in the garden or in the group room; walks; time for specific educational activities.

Approx. 15:15: Afternoon snack together

15:40-16:30: Depending on the weather, free play in the garden, in the group room or in the gymnastics room.



Those children from the Ü3-area who take advantage of the all-day care receive a warm lunch in the kindergarten at fixed times, which is prepared by our supplier "Appetito" and our housekeeper. Ten kindergarten children in the extended opening hours also have the opportunity to take advantage of the hot lunch. The remaining 20 "VÖ-Kindergarten children" eat a "Vesper" from their lunch boxes in the group room.

The crèche children do not have the opportunity to take advantage of the hot lunch provided by the facility. They need to bring three meals a day (one for breakfast, one for lunch and one for the afternoon). Lunch can be kept cold in the refrigerator until lunchtime and then heated.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 26/03/2025 21:32:22)