Kindertagesstätte Wiesennest

1 Jahr bis 6 Jahre

Kindertagesstätte Wiesennest
Kirchstraße 18
75391 Gechingen
Funding authority
Gemeinde Gechingen
Calwer Straße 14
75391 Gechingen
Opening times7:30 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock
Closing days26 Tage pro Kindergartenjahr
Specially educational concept inclusion, nature education, partially open concept, Science/Project methods
Extras Integrative facility, care with lunch, flexible care, full day care

Current information


The crèche in the Wiesennest daycare centre is located in the basement and consists of two groups, the bumblebee group as a full-day group and the ladybird group as a group with extended opening hours. 

The kindergarten groups at the Wiesennest daycare centre are located on the upper floor of the facility and consist of four groups. The mole group and salamander group are all-day groups and the rabbit group and dragonfly group are the groups with extended opening hours. One GT group and one VÖ group always form a group group and this group group has a partially open concept. 

The two nature groups, Squirrel and Owl, are located in the Riederleshalde in Gechingen. Extended opening hours are offered in both groups.



Premises in the crèche

The two crèche groups work in their fixed groups, so that the children know their group and the associated teaching staff. The crèche rooms are next to each other and are therefore closely connected. The crèche groups are bright and open-plan. They offer the children the space they need to develop. Furniture and a variety of play materials provide the children with different stimuli for free play. Both group rooms are directly adjacent to the bedroom. Each child has their own sleeping area. The sanitary area for the crèche groups is located in the centre and is therefore accessible from both groups. Our corridor area is bright and friendly to make arriving and leaving a pleasant experience. Each child has their own cloakroom space with their own personal items. There is also a mobile movement construction site that enables the teaching staff to set up a flexible movement landscape for the children during the day. The parents' information wall is also located in the entrance area of the crèche. The crèche garden is located directly in front of the two group rooms. It is separated from the nursery garden by a fence.


Premises of the kindergarten

Each group room is a large, bright room with different pieces of furniture and toys to create a cosy and appealing atmosphere. Each group also has a 2nd level. This level is freely accessible from the group room and is fitted with a glass pane at the ends. Each group has a book corner, a building corner, a role-play area, a creative area, table games and a cosy corner. The children's cloakrooms are located in the corridors in front of the group rooms. Two bedrooms are attached to the corridor. These bedrooms are used by the GT children for resting and sleeping. A further bedroom is set up as a Snoezelen room, which is accessible to the whole centre. At the end of the corridor there is a studio and a workshop. Here, the children can give free rein to their creativity together with a pedagogical specialist. Each group also has its own sanitary area. The dining room and kitchen are adjacent to the lower rooms. This is where the GT children eat lunch every day together with the educational staff. This lunch is prepared and supervised by two housekeepers.


Premises of the nature groups

Each group has its own construction trailer, which are set up in the same way. At the entrance to the construction carts is the cloakroom where each child has their own space. There is also an office and material cupboards. Each trailer also has a well-equipped kitchen as well as a bathroom with toilet, washbasin and changing table. There is a dining area and an attractive play area in each trailer. The children have the opportunity to play table games, paint and do handicrafts as well as play various games. There is also a second level in each trailer with a building corner. They can also look at books and their portfolios there. 
In the outdoor area there is a large tepee that can accommodate many children. There is also a shelter, which the educational staff and children call Kobel, and a sandpit. There are also two raised beds, a water basin made from a tree trunk and various snack tables. The parents' information board is located on the fence and is staffed by the educational specialists.


Daily Schedule

Daily routine in the crèche

The children arrive at the crèche between 7:30 - 9:00 am. There they are greeted by the respective paedagogical specialist. This is also the time when breakfast is served and the children can play freely at the same time. An important component is the morning circle. The children learn finger games, songs and circle games. There is time for group activities, a walk, playing in the garden or time for an educational programme. At around 11.20 a.m., the children have lunch together. The full-day children get a warm lunch, the VÖ children get their 2nd snack from their rucksack. After eating, the children are put to sleep, which is supervised by one or two educational staff. For the children who do not sleep, there is a quiet activity in the group room. In the afternoon there is time for group activities and free play. Later in the afternoon, there is a small snack for the full-day children. There are also various activities throughout the week, such as gymnastics day, singing circle and reading mentors.


Daily routine of the kindergarten

The children arrive at the kindergarten between 7.30 and 9.00 am. They are greeted by a pedagogical specialist from the group. After the arrival time, breakfast is eaten together in the respective groups. This is followed by the morning circle, which is a fixed ritual in the daily routine. In addition to the free play time, there are always activities and programmes appropriate to the situation. The age-specific group activities are offered one morning a week. Outdoor time is very important to us; we take the children to the garden every day, go for walks or out into nature. At around 12.00 noon, the GT children have a warm lunch. Directly after the hot lunch, the children have a short midday rest together with a pedagogical specialist. The fixed rest period is intended to give the children the opportunity to relax and calm down for a moment. In the afternoon, there is time for group activities and free play. Later in the afternoon, there is a small snack for the full-day children. In addition, various activities such as gymnastics day, singing circle and reading mentors take place throughout the week.


Daily routine in the nature groups

The children arrive at the kindergarten between 07:30 and 09:00. They are greeted by a pedagogical specialist. After the arrival time, the morning circle takes place in the respective groups, which is a fixed ritual in the daily routine. This is followed by breakfast together. In addition to free play time and time spent in nature, there are always activities and programmes appropriate to the situation. The age-specific group programmes are offered one morning a week.



Daycare centre Kita Wiesennest

There is a free breakfast in the crèche, which is supervised by a pedagogical specialist. 

We get our warm lunch from the children's village in Calw - Stammheim. The food is freshly prepared there every day. The meals are very varied and balanced. The current menu is projected onto the wall via the monitor in the entrance area. For the children, it is displayed in pictures in the dining room.


Kindergarten Kita Wiesennest 

The kindergarten organises a communal breakfast in the respective groups. This breakfast is supervised by the educational staff. 

We get our warm lunch from the children's village in Calw-Stammheim. The food is freshly prepared there every day. The meals are very varied and balanced. The current menu is projected onto the wall via the monitor in the entrance area. 

Lunch is supervised by the educational staff and the housekeeping staff in the dining room. The housekeeping staff set the table and put the food in bowls, from which the children can scoop their own portions onto their plates. 

During various activities or in the normal course of the day, there are always joint breakfasts in buffet form or special activities on the subject of food.


Squirrel and owl nature group 

The nature groups have breakfast together in their respective groups.  Depending on the weather and the day's activities, the groups eat in the construction trailer, outside at the snack tables or have a picnic during the hike. Around 12:00 there is a fruit round together.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 04/03/2024 17:12:02)