Inklusives Kinderhaus der Lebenshilfe in Gauting

1-3 Jahre 3-6 Jahre 6-10 Jahre

Inklusives Kinderhaus der Lebenshilfe in Gauting
Julius-Haerlin-Straße 10
82131 Gauting
Funding authority
Lebenshilfe Starnberg
Leutstettener Str. 22
82319 Starnberg
089/89051930 (Frau Monika Hindemith)
Opening times7:30 AM - 5:15 PM o'clock
late care4:30 PM - 5:15 PM o'clock
Closing daysUnsere festen Schließzeiten sind zwei Wochen in den Weihnachtsferien und drei Wochen ab Mitte August. Die restlichen Schließtage werden für jedes Betreuungsjahr neu festgelegt.

Our fixed closing times are two weeks during the Christmas holidays and three weeks starting in mid-August. The remaining closing days are determined during each new year of care.
Foreign languages German
Therapeutic support Learning support, early advancement
Extras Barrier-free, Integrative facility, care with lunch, full day care



The Lebenshilfe Kinderhaus in Gauting (The Lebenshilfe Childcare Center Gauting)

Playing and learning together

In our inclusive Kinderhaus in Gauting, we support children with and without disabilities from age 1 until the fourth grade. For children of nursery age (i.e. 1-3 years old), we care for 24 children in two different groups. For children of kindergarten age (3-6 years old) and for children in our after-school program, we offer places for up to 50 children in two groups. Children with disabilities are supported and cared for in integration groups which have a smaller group size of up to 17 children. Our aim is to support families in the education and care of their children. If we have the capacity, children can remain in the Lebenshilfe Kinderhaus Gauting from nursery age until they reach the end of elementary school.

We see ourselves as an inclusive space where children with and without disabilities, as well as children of different ethnicities and religions, can grow together, play, laugh, learn, and become friends. All children are welcome with us and are supported accordingly. Based on the Bavarian Education and Childhood Development Plan (BEP), our focus is on creating educational and learning processes which are stimulated through playtime and social situations. Different projects and activities — as well as exchange and cooperation projects — offer diverse possibilities for children to learn about themselves and others. We work closely with the Interdisziplinäre Frühförderstellen (Interdisciplinary Early Intervention Centres) and the specialist counselling service for children's day-care facilities of Lebenshilfe Starnberg to support children.



Closing Days for All Age Groups

We are closed during Christmas for two weeks (between Christmas and Epiphany) and for 3 weeks during the summer (the 3rd, 4th and 5th weeks of the Bavarian school summer holidays).

In addition, together with the parents’ council, we agree on approximately additional 5 closing days each year for staff training. These are usually on Fridays or on so-called “bridge days” (working days after a public holiday but before a weekend).  




The Lebenshilfe Kinderhaus in Gauting offers children lots of space to play and develop in bright and spacious rooms. Our furnishing concept is designed for flexibility and multifunctionality and allows the rooms to be adapted to suit the situation and provide the children with new inspiration. On each level of the two-story building, there is a “Movement Room” where children can be physically active, attend music groups and other cross-group offerings. Two therapy rooms are available for supporting the children.


Outdoor Facilities


Outside Facilities

Our location on the Buchendorf hill provides many varied possibilities for outdoor activities. Children can enjoy sledding, playing football as well as a community playground in the direct vicinity. This provides more opportunities for the children to be active, in addition to our own outdoor play areas on our premises for nursery, kindergarten, and after-school care.  

Daily Schedule

Daily Routine

Our routine in the nursery and kindergarten:

  • Common early group as of 7:30 am

  • At 8:00 am, children go to their regular group rooms

  • Arrival and free play time

  • Circle time

  • Breakfast

  • Activity or play outdoors

  • Lunch

  • Dental hygiene

  • Midday quiet time/ naptime

  • Free play

  • Snack

  • Activity and / or playground

Daily routine for after-school program:

  • Arrive from school

  • Free play

  • Lunch

  • Dental hygiene

  • Homework

  • Projects

  • Free play and /or playtime outside



Lunch is provided by a munich caterer. We pay attention to balanced nutrition and the use of organic and regional products. For lunch we charge a monthly flat-rate meal fee. A lump sum is charged in 12 equal amounts for the opening days.

Lunch is served for nursery and kindergarten children as of 11:30am, therefore lunch is always included.

Our lunch is prepared without any pork meat.

Family Center

Opening hours

Our nursery and kindergarten are open from Monday-Friday from 7:30 am – 5:15pm.

Children are welcome as of 7:30am, or as of the start time you’ve booked each day. Please plan accordingly so that you have left the building each day by the end-time you’ve booked for your child/children.

During school holidays, we care for children in our after-school program according to the hours they have booked. Our obligatory core hours are 8:30am-12:30pm. In order to ensure we meet the children’s need for sleep/quiet time, we have midday quiet time from 12:30pm-2:00pm. Children in the nursery may not be picked up between these hours.

Closing days

Our fixed closing times are two weeks during the Christmas holidays and three weeks starting in mid-August. The remaining closing days are determined during each new year of care.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/03/2025 05:36:15)