

Kinder von 2 Jahren bis zur Einschulung

Dr.-August-Einsele-Ring 18
82418 Murnau a. Staffelsee
Funding authority
Murmel e.V. Familienzentrum Murnau
Dr.-August-Einsele-Ring 18
82418 Murnau a. Staffelsee
08841 - 627007
Opening times7:30 AM - 3:00 PM o'clock
Closing days30 Tage
Foreign languages German
Extras care with lunch, parents association

Current information

The capacity (15 children) of our single-group kindergarten is currently fully utilized.


The kindergarten is located on the grounds of the former Kemmel barracks. In the same building there are two large-day-care groups (Kinderstube: 1 - 3 year olds; Mittagsbetreuung: 1. - 4.class), the family center as well as the counseling center of Caritas and the multigeneration house.

The kindergarten rooms include a group room as well as an side room, a hallway, an office and a kitchen. The sanitary facilities are shared with the Kinderstube and the Family Center. 
The Murmelcafe of the family center is also located on the same floor. This is where the pretzels for the snack are purchased every Tuesday.
Group room: 

  • Workshop: Painting wall, workbench with tools, possibility for handicrafts - creative design - painting, laboratory for research.
  • Sitting area: possibility for table games, eating area, preschool.


  • Wardrobe
  • Role play area: kitchen, bed, dress up box, doll toys
  • Climbing wall

Side room - functional room:

  • Couch with bookshelf
  • secured plateau: playable or as a possibility for rest (Snoezel area)
  • Carpet: morning circle, constuction
  • Room for activities: Music, tank, rhythmics 

The furniture is designed so that it can also be changed by the children and included in individual free play. We always rinse out/through the toys so that a sensory overload is avoided.

Outdoor Facilities

Outdoor area

The spacious garden is used by the family center, the two groups of the large day care center and the kindergarten. There are various play and climbing elements made of natural materials (e.g. a tree house, a pirate ship-bug), a slide, a tunnel, three turntables, two large sandboxes and seating for children and adults. In addition, one sandbox has a mud area with a water pump and a crack system and a bobby car racing track. Two large chestnuts, an apple tree, a Cornell cherry tree, various shrubs (blackberries, currants) and hedges as well as two raised beds are also part of the garden and are intended to contribute to the experience of nature. 
For free play, the children can use movable building materials such as wood, sticks, stones as well as shovels, buckets etc.. In addition, several different vehicles such as bobby cars and excavators can be included in free play.

Daily Schedule

Daily schedule

7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.: Arrival

8:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.: Free play

9:00 a.m. - approx. 9:30 a.m.: Morning circle

from approx. 9:30 a.m.: snack time - except Tuesday: pretzel day / Wednesday: cereal day 

9:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.: free play, garden, time for specific educational activities

12:00 p.m. - approx. 12:45 p.m.: Lunch (in-house cook) 

approx. 12:45 p.m.: nap time with reading aloud of books 

approx. 13:15 p.m - 15:00 p.m.: free play, garden, time for pedagogical offers 


Weekly schedule: 

Monday: Gymnastics-day
Tuesday: Pretzel-day, toy-day
Wednesday: cereal-day
Thursday: Preschool
Friday: Forest-day


Each child brings a snack from home that is as healthy, wholesome, and low in packaging as possible.

  • Tuesday is pretzel day. The children go to the Murmelcafe together and are allowed to buy a pretzel with the money they bring (1 Euro: pretzel; 1.50 Euro: butter pretzel). 
  • Wednesday is cereal day. On this day, the children bring a piece of fruit from home, which is cut up together with a pedagogical specialist and is available for the children to eat in addition to the muesli. The cereal and milk is provided by the kindergarten. Cow's milk as well as oat or almond milk is available.


Lunch is cooked fresh every day by an in-house cook and is vegetarian. All food used for the meal is organic. 
Special diets due to food intolerances or similar will be taken into consideration if the expense is reasonable and all children can still be offered a full lunch. The meal plan is posted in the kitchen every week starting Monday morning.


Afternoon snack
Discovering, exploring, creating and also playing makes you hungry. That's why we have another snack in the afternoon. This is provided by the kindergarten. For example, the children get fruit.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 10/12/2024 10:51:06)