Kindergarten St. Michael

U3 Gruppe: ab 2 Jahren Kindergarten: ab 3 Jahren

Kindergarten St. Michael
Matthäus-Rieger-Str. 7
82418 Seehausen a.Staffelsee
Funding authority
Gemeinde Seehausen
Am Graswegerer 1
82418 Seehausen a.Staffelsee
08841/6169-18 (Frau Peintinger)
08841/1780 (Frau Dorffmeister, Frau Königer)
Opening times7:00 AM - 2:00 PM o'clock
Closing days30 Schließtage
Mittwochs und Donnerstags schließt der Kindergarten um 16:00 Uhr
Foreign languages German
Specially educational concept Situation orientated approach
Extras Integrative facility, care with lunch

Current information

Dear Parents,

if you are interested in a childcare place in our house, please come along to the open day.

When: February 4, 2025

Time: 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m


                               I've never tried this before, so I'm completely confident I can do it.

                                                                Pippi Langstumpf


Mission statement

We are the kindergarten in the community of Seehausen am Staffelsee. We work inclusively in three kindergarten and one “U3” groups.

All children are welcome here. Children with special needs play, learn and laugh together with children of different nationalities, cultures and religions.

The legal basis for our work is the BayKiBiG (Bavarian Child Education and Care Act) and the BEP (The Bavarian Education and Upbringing Plan for Children in Day Care Centers Until They Start School).

The child is our focus. We are a family-complementary facility and support each family in its individual structure.

With us, the child learns skills that enable him to act independently in the community. We work situation-oriented. An appreciative and resource-oriented approach is important to us.

We “adapt” our educational offerings to social change. We represent the interests of the children. In our institution, (professional) commitment comes before education.

Our intention is to maintain and further develop the young person's innate ability to be happy. Children from the age of two until they start school who live in the municipality of Seehausen attend our facility.

We create an atmosphere in which the child can be a child. It should feel comfortable and accepted as it is. We give the child space to acquire skills that will help them live a full and satisfied life later.

We are a technically competent and committed team that stands for appreciation, individuality, professionalism and respect for others. We stay in tune with the times through regular team days, training courses and discussion groups.

Our empathy for children and fellow human beings sets us apart. The framework conditions of our kindergarten are resource-oriented for children and staff.

In the open-plan building and the spacious garden, the child has a wide range of development and experience opportunities. Thanks to the protected form of the group principle, the child has permanent caregivers who accompany him on his (kindergarten) journey.

Our facility works closely with the elementary school and the parish of Seehausen. Therapists support us if necessary. When special challenges arise, we can rely on the team's excellent collaboration through collegial advice. We enjoy the full support and financial resources of our sponsor. This enables us to receive further training, supervision and other assistance when the time comes.

The benevolent and constructive cooperation with the parents' council supports our work. The “Support Association of the Seehausen Kindergarten and Elementary School” also finances special educational projects.

We meet the challenges of everyday kindergarten life with humor and laughter and a positive attitude to life.



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