Haus für Kinder Garching

0-6 Jahre

Haus für Kinder Garching
Untere Straßäcker 19
85748 Garching
Funding authority
Diakonie Jugendhilfe Oberbayern
089/21546235043 (Frau Michaela Saalfrank)
089/21546235040 (Frau Michaela Saalfrank)
Opening times7:30 AM - 4:30 PM o'clock
Closing days26-28 Schließtage im Jahr
Foreign languages Czech, English, Turkish
Denomination evangelic
Specially educational concept Reggio Emilia approach, Situation orientated approach
Extras Barrier-free, Integrative facility, care with lunch

Current information


Welcome to the HfK Garching!

In September 2017, we opened our new Diakonie Jugendhilfe Oberbayern facility in Garching.
We started with 20 krippen children and added a kindergarten group in October 2018.

Our booking times are possible as follows:
Start: 7:30am or 8:00am (bring time in each case until 8:30am).
End: 15:00hr, 16:00hr or 16:30hr.

Since April 2019 we moved from the container to the new building and started there with 2 krippen groups and one kindergarten group. Since February 2020 we have our, second, long-awaited kindergarten group.

Thus, we are now at a total number of children of 74. A special feature of "houses for children" is that the children are cared for from the krippe to school in one facility. We can offer this for the nursery and the kindergarten. The transition from krippe to kindergarten is very easy because children, parents and staff already know each other and have built up a trusting relationship.

You can find more information under Haus für Kinder Garching on our homepage:*.



This is a virtual tour of our facility to give you a little insight into our home despite Corona:

Virtual tour:



Die Krippenräume mit anschließenden Wickelräumen finden Sie im Erdgeschoss. Jedes Zimmer hat einen direkten Blick in den Garten. Ebenfalls im EG, direkt am Haupteingang befindet sich unser Bewegungsraum, Toiletten und das Büro der Leitung, sowie das Personalzimmer und die Küche.

Im Obergeschoss begrüßen bunte Farben die Kindergartenkinder. Außerdem befindet sich dort ein Atelier mit Küchenzeile und einem Bad ausschließlich für die Kindergartenkinder.

Die Terasse für den Kindergarten wurde mit einem Rasen bepflanzt und dazu noch  mit einre Sitzgelegenheit für die Kinder erweitert. 

Outdoor Facilities

The garden at the HfK welcomes the children with lots of green meadow space, many hiding places in the bamboo, and the highlight in summer, the water playground. The large slide that leads down the small hill also provides plenty of creative ideas.

In addition, the children can relax on a large nest swing and the climbing frame invites them to romp around. The bobby car race track at the back of the house provides the necessary outlet.



Daily Schedule

07:30 - 08:00       Early opening - the children are cared for in one group.
08:00 - 08:30       Opening of both groups, bring time until 08:30
08:30 - 09:00       Start of the day with the morning circle and breakfast together.   
                            breakfast together. Welcome, singing, reading aloud, planning the day.
09:00 - 11:00       Pedagogical offers and free play
11:00 - 11:15       Tidying up, washing hands, changing diapers
11:15 - 12:00       Lunch in the nursery
12:00 - 13:00       Lunch in the kindergarten
12:00 - 14:00       nap in the krippe
14:00 - 15:00       Diaper changing, afternoon snack together
15:00 - 16:30       Pick-up time, free play, garden or pedagogical offers in the
                            Gathering group



The krippe and kindergarten children are provided with food by us all day.

Lunch is delivered freshly cooked by Ascher Catering and consists mainly of organic products.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 18/01/2024 17:38:20)