Kindergarten St. Michael

Im Kindergarten St. Michael werden Kinder im Alter von einem Jahr bis zum Schuleintritt betreut.

Kindergarten St. Michael
Samentalstraße 5
72501 Gammertingen
Funding authority
Stadt Gammertingen
Hohenzollernstraße 5 - 7
72501 Gammertingen
07574/7259 (Jana Schmid)
Opening times7:00 AM - 4:30 PM o'clock
Closing daysca. 30 Tage
Foreign languages German
Specially educational concept daily routine language education, Situation orientated approach
Extras care with lunch, flexible care, full day care

Current information


The kindergarten St. Michael is a six-group house with two crèche groups and four kindergarten groups. Our building is completely on one floor and is surrounded by a large outdoor area with lots of green space.

Our team consists of educational specialists such as nursery nurses, children's nurses, childhood educators, housekeeping and cleaning staff, language support staff and trainees and interns.

We participate in the language support programme KOLIBRI and in the EU School Fruit and School Milk Programme. 

We cooperate with the Laucherttal Primary School in Gammertingen and are linked to various social institutions (e.g. Early Intervention Centre).

Our services: Early English, theatre and dance learning workshop, Wunderfitz AG (meeting for pre-school children), language support, delicious breakfast 1x per month, Bronnen bus to kindergarten.

Our forms of care: Half-day care, regular care, extended opening hours, full-day care and mixed forms. More detailed information can be found under the following link: Gebührenordnung_Kindergartenjahr_2022-2023_für_Homepage.pdf (

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The building has two separate entrances that make it easy to get to the U3 or Ü3 area.

The crèche groups each consist of a large and bright group room with floor-to-ceiling windows and an adjoining bedroom. Each crèche group has its own cloakroom area so that there is enough space available during drop-off and pick-up time. The nursery children can meet among the groups in the common washroom, which is centrally located in the middle. 

The four kindergarten groups each have a large group room with an open, adjacent room. The rooms are divided into areas such as a building corner, doll corner, painting and creative area and a book/reading corner. Furthermore, the rooms have enough space for different table games, puzzles, plug-in games, etc.

In the basement of the building there is a gym. This is used by the teachers and children for a variety of activities. 

In the common kitchen, children regularly bake, stir and cut together for the monthly "delicious breakfast". Outside of this activity, the kitchen is also used for projects and activities with the children.

A staff room is available for the staff of the St. Michael kindergarten. Parents' meetings, team meetings or other meetings can take place in this room.

An office room for the kindergarten management is also available. Parents are welcome to come by at any time if they have questions or concerns.

Outdoor Facilities

The crèche children have their own spacious outdoor area that offers numerous opportunities for play and discovery.

The kindergarten children's outdoor area also offers plenty of space and opportunities to play, swing, climb, slide and run.


The children bring their own snack, which they eat in the kindergarten during the morning.

A warm lunch is provided for the children who are there over lunchtime. Lunch is provided by the municipal nursing home in Gammertingen. It always consists of a starter (soup), a main course and a dessert. The menu for the current week can be viewed in the kindergarten and can also be accessed online at any time.

In the afternoon, the children also have a small snack with them.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 09/05/2023 19:24:52)