Integrativer Kindergarten Mariaberg

Integrativer Kindergarten Mariaberg
Burghaldenstraße 6
72501 Gammertingen
Funding authority
Mariaberger Ausbildung & Service gGmbH
Unterer Torackerweg 8
72501 Gammertingen
07124/923-585 (Ingeborg Meier)
Opening times7:30 AM - 4:30 PM o'clock
Closing daysca. 26 Tage/Jahr
Specially educational concept Situation approach, Wood-Pedagogy
Extras Barrier-free, Integrative facility, care with lunch, for children with special educational needs, full day care

Current information

The currently applicable parental contributions can be viewed at the following linkParental contributions


A KiTa on the mountain, surrounded by lots of nature - filled with life. That is us. 

Our kindergarten has three groups.
The crèche offers space for 10 children. In the two other groups we work integratively and can offer 10 regular places and 4 places for children with special needs in each group. Our small institution and the small group sizes offer the children a sheltered and protected environment.
Your child with its needs, interests and wishes is the focus of our pedagogical work. We schedule times in our daily routine to be able to discuss the children's current topics in peace and quiet. In this way, the children experience that they participate in decisions and that their feelings, thoughts and issues are noticed and heard. 
We accept the children in their individuality and give them opportunities and possibilities for holistic development and unfolding.
In nature, the children can experience and perceive themselves and their environment with all their senses. Whether outside or in our facility, the children move in their environment. We offer them a variety of stimuli (extensive forest areas, gymnastics in the gym, music and singing circles,...) and thus support them in their development. 

... because in every child there is a wonderful, very individual personality that we want to accompany as it grows. 

We look forward to getting to know your child and you.



Our facility is located on the first floor of the Mariaberg Family Center and is barrier-free accessible. The hallway, with a checkroom for all children, leads to the various group rooms. Each group has a group room. There are additional rooms that are used individually by the groups and changed as needed. Thus, role-playing, building projects, reading corners, creativity and much more always find a place.

Each group also has its own toilet rooms/washrooms and there is a baby changing room.

Another important room in our facility is the "fun room". This is used for music and singing circles as well as for moving (on vehicles, movement landscapes, ...) and for therapies.

We like to spend our daily routine in nature and in the nearby forest - here we have a construction trailer that always offers us shelter and is available as a storage for a variety of materials. The forest also offers many other opportunities for play and so we can always be found in different places.

Our facility benefits from the existing structures in Mariaberg, which offer us a variety of possibilities:

- Short distances to occupational therapy, speech therapy, SBBZ,....

- a visit to the Mariaberg farm - cows, sheep, pigs, chickens, tractors, ... to get to know and observe at close quarters.

- Gymnastics in the gym (regularly built into our weekly schedule)

- Lunch at the marketplace (once every week) 

- Shopping (whether the pretzel for breakfast or ingredients for baking, ...) in the small store across the street

... there is really a lot to discover here.



Outdoor Facilities

In addition to our garden, we like to play in the public playground that is adjacent to our garden and use the small path that surrounds our facility to drive our vehicles.

In the forest we have many places to use and discover:

- Woodland near the construction trailer

- New moss forest

- race track

- Water house

- High beech

- Snail path

... and several more


For breakfast, the children bring their own food from home. Lunch is delivered by the kitchen in Mariaberg. The menu can be viewed at any time in our facility.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 09/05/2023 19:24:40)


We are a multidisciplinary team

For special support of the children in the school kindergarten, we are in close contact with therapists, speech therapists, physiotherapists and teachers from the SBBZ (special education and counseling center) Mariaberg.

Due to the proximity of our facility to the respective services, the distances are short should your child need support.

We are a training center for interns, offer places in the framework of the "Freiwilliges Soziales Jahr" (FSJ) (voluntary social year) and allow short-term internships, among others, from the surrounding schools for interested people.


We see our facility as a part of the Mariaberg district. The central location enables us to be closely linked to the diverse services and benefits of the Mariaberg sponsor.

In addition, we can use the prevailing infrastructure. Thus, our children get to know the company fire department as well as the agriculture and the market place in Mariaberg.

Teamwork with school

To ensure a good transition to school for our children, we cooperate with various schools in our area.

We attach great importance to regular visits by the cooperation teachers to our facility or by our children to the local kindergartens and accompany them to the respective appointments. In this way, the children get to know their future environment at an early stage and the transition to school is easy.

Teamwork with parents

We see you, the parents and guardians, as experts for your children. Together, we create the living space in which your child can develop.

Therefore, a trusting and appreciative cooperation is very important to us. We always listen to their concerns and use daily contacts to exchange important information concerning the day. We hold development discussions at regular intervals

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 09/05/2023 19:24:40)

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