Familienzentrum St. Martin

Im Familienzentrum St. Martin werden die Kinder ab 1 Jahr bis zum Schuleintritt betreut.

Familienzentrum St. Martin
Kiverlinstraße 4
72501 Gammertingen
Funding authority
Stadt Gammertingen
Hohenzollernstraße 5 - 7
72501 Gammertingen
07574/406-340 (Melina Hodler)
Opening times7:00 AM - 4:30 PM o'clock
Closing daysca. 30 Tage
Foreign languages German, English
Specially educational concept daily routine language education, Situation orientated approach
Extras care with lunch, full day care
Pets Nein

Current information


The St. Martin Family Centre is a seven-group house with two crèche groups, four kindergarten groups and one preventive group. 

We offer different care models. Half-day care, full-day care, regular care and extended opening hours. As well as various mixed forms. 

For more information, click on the attached link. 


The family centre also has the qualification "Emil" (regulating emotions). 

The family centre offers 

- Toddling/playgroup

- parent café

- clothing store 

- Forest days 

- children's yoga

- Early English 

- Singing Circle 

- 1x a month gourmet breakfast

- Wonderfitz 

- Various project weeks


Each group has a large group room with an adjoining room. 

There are various play areas in the group rooms and in the adjoining rooms. 

A washroom with toilets is adjacent to each group room. 

In each of the crèche rooms there is a bedroom for the children.

In the basement of the house there is a small "book room" as well as a language room, which is used by our language support worker. 

The bright entrance area is used as a sports hall and for other activities.

Outdoor Facilities

The St. Martin Familienzentrum has a spacious outdoor area that offers plenty of room to play and romp around. Adjacent is a hard court which we can use daily. 

The crèche children have a separate outdoor area that offers numerous opportunities to play and discover.



There is a free breakfast at the family centre, so the children need a snack. 

For the children who are there over midday, there is a hot lunch. This is supplied by the municipal old people's home in Gammertingen. It always consists of a starter (soup), a main course and a dessert. 

The menu for the current week is available in the kindergarten and can also be viewed online at any time. 

In the afternoon, the children also have a small snack with them. 

Due to the participation in the school fruit programme, there is always fresh fruit and vegetables in the facility.


Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 09/05/2023 19:25:28)