ambinius KITA

Betreuungsplätze ab 2 Jahren; Gartenkinder Gruppe ab 3 Jahren

ambinius KITA
St.-Vinzenz-Straße 54
36041 Fulda
Funding authority
antonius: gemeinsam leben gGmbH
An St. Kathrin 4
36041 Fulda
0661-1097550 (Sabrina Rehm)
Opening times7:30 AM - 4:30 PM o'clock
Closing daysFreitags Öffnungszeit bis 15:00 Uhr;
25 Schließtage im Jahr; Aufgeteilt in:
3 Wochen Sommerferien; Schließzeit an einem Brückentag; Ferien zwischen Weihnachten und Neujahr (genaue Angaben variieren jährlich); 5 Tage für Fortbildung (jährliche Übersicht)
Specially educational concept child oriented education, daily routine language education, inclusion, intercultural education, nature education, Situation orientated approach
Extras Barrier-free, Integrative facility, care with lunch, for children with special educational needs

Current information

  • Viewing appointments are usually offered on one Saturday each month. If you are interested, please contact us and we will offer you a free date.
  • When registering for our outdoor group "Gartenkinder", please be sure to make a special indication of this request in the text field for comments during the registration process. Unfortunately, the portal cannot map this special group separately.
    Please select Ü3 as the "type of care" / "Betreuungsart" for the Gartenkinder!
  • If you would like to register for an integration place for your child, please tick the appropriate box. In addition, we ask that you provide a few brief comments about your child's special needs and/or diagnosis in the comments text box. If you are already connected to an early intervention center, we also ask you to briefly indicate the contact person in the text field for comments.

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Embedded in the social area Fulda West, antonius : gemeinsam Mensch has been pursuing the goal of creating inclusive living spaces since 1904. Since then, it has developed into a large, wide-ranging and non-profit social enterprise. The human being with his individual abilities is in the center of attention.
The ambinius daycare center is located in the ambinius Haus and is part of the antonius network.
The daycare center is a family-relieving, family-supplementing and inclusive facility. It offers children from the age of two play and development spaces in six mixed-age groups.
We offer changing AGs such as the Researcher AG and our ambinius choir.

One of the six groups - the Gartenkinder - is run as an outdoor group on the antonius campus in line with the concept of a nature and forest kindergarten.

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Our ambinius daycare center is located on the first floor of the ambinius house, which was rebuilt in 2017 and is barrier-free, with spacious outdoor grounds. Our premises offer a harmonious, stimulating and individual environment.
Our rooms are friendly, bright and inviting and provide a spatial proximity of young and old. The first floor of the ambinius Haus houses the day care center and the upper floor houses the senior day care center as well as a meeting room. The ambinius house also has a spacious outdoor area and a roof terrace for the seniors.

The five group rooms are furnished in a child-friendly manner and offer the children various possibilities for occupation at the table, on the floor or in thematic corners such as the building corner, the doll corner, the sofa, the cuddle corner or the children's kitchen. As a stimulus for activities, the children have access to a wide range of pedagogical play and craft materials and special support materials. We also attach great importance to the use of musical instruments, books, construction and design materials. The group rooms are assigned to corresponding sanitary rooms, which are equipped to meet the needs of both handicapped and small children. Each group has its own checkroom in the hallway. Here, each child has its own closed locker for a change of clothes, slippers and other private items.

The rooms are complemented by a large exercise room, a Snoezelen room (sensory/perceptual room), an individual activity room and small group room, a play hallway, as well as an office, a meeting and staff room and a kitchen.


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Outdoor Facilities

The spacious outdoor area offers the children a variety of sensory stimulation and opportunities for play and retreat. The children can experiment with natural materials, they can muddy, play with water and sand, climb hills, play soccer and much more.

The outdoor group Gartenkinder
The sixth group of the ambinius Kita are the Gartenkinder. As a nature kindergarten, they find their living and experiential play spaces predominantly outside.
The new location of the garden children since 2023 is a cozy shelter, protected by trees and bushes, together with the surrounding grounds of antonius in the neighborhood of the garden nursery. A warming stove and the interior of the hut, decorated by the children themselves, make this a personal place of well-being for the whole group. The garden children have access to a composting toilet in the immediate vicinity of the hut and the nursery's sanitary facilities.
In addition, the antonius campus serves as a place for the Gartenkinder to stay and meet. The different work areas and the encounters with the people working there, such as in the nursery, the carpentry workshop, the pottery, the cafeteria or on the playground of the daycare center, are our learning space and space to play.
The garden children expand their radius by regularly going to the forest all year round and by making excursions, for example to the antonius farm, to the river Fulda or to the library.


Catering by our network antonius:

The daycare center is supplied by our commercial kitchen from antonius according to the hot catering system (so-called cook & hold system). This means that the food is cooked fresh daily in the antonius kitchen and delivered to the daycare center in a cooked, warm state.

We offer a full menu, a vegetarian menu and a special menu (by individual arrangement, e.g. for lactose intolerance).

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 11/03/2024 17:41:21)