Krippe Krabbelmäuse

Erweiterte Angebote für unsere Kinder, die in den Kindergarten wechseln, z.B. Experimente, besonderen Mittagskreis.

Krippe Krabbelmäuse
Gebrüder-Grimm-Straße 32
90765 Fürth
Funding authority
Kinderkrippe Krabbelmäuse GbR
Gebrüder-Grimm-Straße 32
90765 Fürth
Opening times7:30 AM - 3:30 PM o'clock
Closing daysUnsere Schließtage sind:
Sommerferien (ca. 3 Wochen)
Winterferien (ca. 2 Wochen)
Planungstage (ca. 4 - 5 Tage)

Zusätzlich könnten wir bis zu ca. 3 Tage für pädagogische Fortbildungstage, für das gesamte Team, planen.
Specially educational concept child oriented education, daily routine language education, intercultural education, livebased approach, Montessori education, nature education, Science/Project methods, Situation orientated approach
Extras care with lunch, flexible care

Current information

Offers for the entire family: family outing, favorite person day, summer party, Christmas party, etc.

Offers for parents: Parents' coffee, parents' crafts, educational parents' evening, informational parents' evening, etc.

Offers for our children: Visit to the Fürth Christmas market, bus ride to the fruit and vegetable market, visit to the farm, farewell trip to a large playground and then lunch in a restaurant.



Our familiar, pedagogical team consists of several pedagogical staff (you can find our current team on our homepage) and a household helper, as well as other interns.

We look after up to 14 children every day from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

As well as our managing director, who supports us with our weekly fresh shopping, administrative matters and small repairs.

Our crèche is located in the center of Stadeln, a district of Fürth. It is located on a side street with little traffic and is also easy to reach by public transport.


Special features of the facility:

“There can be no great discoveries and advances as long as there is one unhappy child on earth.” (Albert Einstein)

The protection of the children entrusted to us is of great importance to us as a team, because only a “healthy” and happy child can grow to its full potential and develop into an independent and socially acceptable person. This is one of our main goals in our educational work.

Every child has the right to be able to grow up safely in the protection of the community. This results in an obligation for all of us to protect the well-being of every child and to respect the boundaries of each individual.


Our crèche is supported by the city of Fürth and the Free State of Bavaria.


Our facility:

Our facility consists of age-appropriate, spacious rooms on 150 m². It offers plenty of space for playing, running around and cuddling, as well as a separate relaxation room, an intensive room for special offers, early musical education, movement construction site and offers based on Maria Montessori, as well as experiments.

Dining room/kitchen/creative corner offers plenty of space for eating and creative offerings. The child-friendly toilets and washrooms ensure that our little ones feel like adults.

Our well thought-out room concept was created in collaboration with several companies and an architect. Our many pieces of furniture and room elements made of solid wood, which create a homely feeling, can be clearly seen from the outside through our very large windows.

There is also a second level in our large group room for sliding and hiding. Some of the freely accessible, educationally valuable play material allows our children's imaginations to run wild.

Of course, there is also enough material for literature and media education. We carry out regular activities in small groups (3-4 children) in the areas of: music, movement, experiments and offers based on Maria Montessori in our intensive room.

Our outdoor area:

In addition to a large sandpit in our 50 m2 outdoor area, there is a nest swing and an imaginatively designed climbing slide facility.

These invite you to experiment with many additional extras.

In addition to plenty of sand toys and bobby cars, we also have the opportunity to do gardening in a herb snail and a raised bed.

Our outdoor area also offers space for the children's natural need for movement, but also provides targeted stimulation points. The children should be given the opportunity to train their dexterity and coordination, as well as to enjoy movement.

The aim is for all outdoor design elements to simultaneously serve as a didactic means of promoting nature and environmental awareness, as well as experiencing the beauty and practicality of our nature.

Daily Schedule

Our daily routine:

7:30 a.m.: We welcome the first children => free play time

8:30 a.m.: Breakfast together => all children should be there by then.

9:00 a.m.: Morning circle
We get in the mood for the day with songs and movement games.

9:30 a.m.: After the morning circle we start with our offers.

11:00 a.m.: We all clean up together.

11:15 a.m.: Lunch circle:
Our “almost kindergarten children” engage in factual discussions, experiments and challenging activities.
Everyone else has fun with songs, finger and movement games.

11:30 a.m.: Lunch together, freshly prepared by “Suppenlöffel-Vitalfood GmbH”.

12:00 p.m.: A round of cuddles and changing for everyone.

First pickup time: 12:00 p.m. to 12:30 p.m.

For everyone else it is bedtime: from 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
(There is a lunch break until 2:30 p.m. and there are no pickups.)

2:30 p.m.: all the sleeping mice are slowly waking up.
The second variable pickup time begins.

3:00 p.m.: Would you like a little afternoon snack?

3:30 p.m.: All the crawling mice have been picked up.
...and we had another nice day and learned a lot



Our breakfast is freshly prepared by us, with fresh fruit and vegetables and bread.

On Wednesday there is always “muesli” which consists of natural yogurt, various flakes and fresh fruit.

We get our lunch from the caterer “Souplöffel-Vitalfood”, freshly prepared every day.

Around 3:00 p.m. our children receive another small “snack”, which the parents bring from home for their child. This means our children learn the routine they need in kindergarten at the same time.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 02/12/2024 11:36:15)