Waldkindergarten Moggerla e. V.

Altersgemischte Gruppe zwischen 2,9 Jahren und dem Schuleintritt

Waldkindergarten Moggerla e. V.
Sperberstraße 68
90768 Fürth
Funding authority
Moggerla e. V.
Oberfürberger Straße 46
90768 Fürth
Opening times7:30 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock
early care7:30 AM - 8:00 AM o'clock
Closing daysEine Woche Fortbildungswoche an Ostern,
Eine Woche Pfingsten,
zwei Wochen im August und
zwei Wochen im Dezember
Foreign languages German
Specially educational concept child oriented education, daily routine language education, inclusion, livebased approach, nature education, project approach, Situation orientated approach, Wood-Pedagogy
Extras Child care with special focus on environmental education, care with lunch, full day care, parents association

Current information

Our Kita offers an "Open House" on:

Saturday, Jan. 25th, 2025

from 09:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

On these day you can find out more about our Kita, get to know the team and visit our rooms. We look forward to welcoming you.


Together with pedagogical specialists, up to 22 ZAPFENWÄCHTER, aged almost 3 years until they start school, trudge through the Oberfürberg city forest. In spring, summer, autumn and winter, we discover, play and research among birches, pines and spruces. It doesn't matter to us whether it rains or snows, whether the sun is shining or fog surrounds us, we are constantly on the move together with many animals of the forest.

Our mission statement is based on five pillars. These form the basis for a good upbringing, giving a child the tools for a healthy self-confidence with which it can start its path in life. 

1. "Love and emotional warmth"

This becomes apparent when the adult turns to the child and listens to and perceives it in a benevolent atmosphere. This includes meeting the child with genuine sympathy. The emotional aspect can be expressed in physical contact (but not forced!), in encouraging smiles, an approachable posture, eye contact and comfort.

2. "Esteem and respect"

The adult turns to the child with full attention, but also acknowledges:

that the child is different from himself. He values the individuality of the child, trusts him or her own

and considers it capable of finding solutions for its own will and striving.

Respect for the child's "self-will" is upheld.

3. "Cooperation"

The educators teach the child togetherness, conversations and explanations. It's about mutual understanding and "struggling to understand". Adults represent their own point of view and listen to the child's opinion. It is included in decisions.

4. "Structure and Commitment"

mean that applicable rules are known and understood by everyone. If agreed and justified rules are not adhered to, there are consequences. Borders do not only mean prohibitions, but orientation and clarity. In addition to rules, rituals and habits also create a structure. The reliability and continuity of such recurring events give the child confidence to act.

5. "All-round support"

The adult provides an environment rich in stimulation. He introduces the child to nature, science, technology and the cosmos. It answers questions, supports curiosity and enables the child to have intellectual, linguistic, motor and sensory experiences. In this way, the child gets to know world and life contexts, it acquires culture.



Kindergarten without walls

The rooms of the forest kindergarten are primarily different places in the forest. The natural space of the forest is changeable in terms of its spatial quality, which means that there are no fixed spatial elements such as walls, doors or fences. The environment as a whole is subject to constant change, e.g. in the form of the weather, the seasons, growth or even weathering. It is precisely these properties that make the forest an ideal play and learning space for our children (see also care concept). In everyday educational life, the forest fulfils a dual function due to its wealth of stimulation and the children's increasing familiarity with their environment: on the one hand as a permanent (but not permanent) lounge and home for the children, analogous to the group room in a classic kindergarten facility. On the other hand, however, also as a "third educator", as formulated in the Reggio pedagogy, who enables the children to explore and competently engage with their environment and in doing so offers stimulation and learning opportunities in ever new ways.

We chose our spots in the forest together with our forester and prepared them with his and our parents' support.

You can find our morning circle spot right behind the hiking car park on Rennweg. We meet here in the morning, wait until everyone has arrived and start the day together with our morning circle. Here you will find our circle made of large tree trunks and a forest cloakroom for the backpacks.

After the small pond on the left you can turn off to our forest/breakfast spot. This is where you will usually find us! We enjoy our breakfast at our table under the tarpaulin. There is also a cloakroom for the children's backpacks and things.

There is much more to discover at the forest spot. Here you will find forest swings, the games circle, our forest xylophone and our "pee forest". And always new pirate ships, knights' castles, farms, airports and much more, depending on what is needed and being built.

Our "Bauwagen"

We have a total of four bright, spacious construction trailers on our meadow at the end of Sperberweg.

Our main trailer is used for eating, playing, artistic design or for parent work, such as for parents' evenings or discussions.

In this construction trailer there are tables, chest benches, games, creative materials, books, our kitchen, a cloakroom and our bark mulch toilet.

Next door, directly connected to our veranda, you will find the sleeping car.

Here the children have the opportunity to rest or sleep after lunch. In the afternoon the children also use the room to play. Here there are, for example, two platforms with mattresses, storage space for the children's change of clothes, and materials for building (large fabric tree trunks), cuddling (cuddly toys) or relaxing (blankets, pillows).

Opposite is our former material wagon. We have now converted this into an outsourced cloakroom for the older, more independent children.
Next to it is our newly added material wagon. Here we store play materials, tools, craft and hygiene items and all the things that we load onto our handcart every day (canisters, first aid kits...) and take with us into the forest.

Around the carts there are well-tended vegetable beds, bee-friendly meadow flowers and willow tunnels and tepees for hiding and playing.

Outdoor Facilities

Unser Gelände am Bauwagen besteht aus einer großen Wiese, Hochbeeten, einer Sitzgruppe und einem Weidentunnel. Im Gras finden wir Spitzwegerich, Gänseblümchen und viele andere Pflanzen. In den Beeten ernten die Kinder im Sommer selbstangebautes Obst und Gemüse und im Weidentunnel kann sich super verstekct werden.

Außerdem haben wir eine Sandgrube zum buddeln und bauen. Die Kinder haben zu dem die Möglichkeit mit Alltagsmaterialien zu spielen. Beispielsweise habe wir viele Töpfe und Pfannen, die die Kinder benutzen. Je nach Jahreszeit verändert sich die Natur. Auch an unserem Bauwagenplatz ist dies spürbar. Mal findet sich eine Matschpfütze vor, mal wird im Weidentunnel nach einem schattigen Plätzchen gesucht oder im Winter ein Schneemann gebaut. Es gibt also auch Nachmittags einiges zu entdecken.

Die Kinder haben mit Unterstützung der Fachkräfte die Möglichkeit neue Dinge zu konstuieren. So entsteht aus Paletten und Brettern ein Haus oder aus verschiedensten Gegenständen ein Parcour. So lernen die Kinder ganz nebenbei den sicheren Umgang mit Werkzeug und gestalten ihren Kindergarten mit.

Daily Schedule

7:30 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. early group

8:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. arrival at the Rennweg hiking car park

8:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. we start the day with a morning circle

9:00 a.m. - around 11:30 a.m. we hike to forest areas, play in the forest, are surrounded by nature

around 12:00 p.m. we arrive at the trailer and fortify ourselves with a delicious lunch

around 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. we all rest a little. The sleeping children snuggle up in their sleeping bags in the resting trailer and dream of further adventures. The awake children listen to stories, read books or paint mandalas

from 2:30 p.m. the first children are picked up

at 3 p.m. there is a snack for all children, consisting of bread, fruit and vegetables

by 4 p.m. at the latest all children are picked up and the trailer closes its doors until the next day


"Caterpillars, beetles, creepy-crawlies, are hungry just like us!"

Our forest children eat a (second) breakfast together in the forest in the morning. For this, the parents give their children a well-filled lunch box. Sandwiches, cheese cubes, vegetables, fruit, nuts - whatever the children like to eat, just don't let it be too sweet, because wasps and ants always like to eat with them. In addition, a healthy, balanced breakfast is the best way to strengthen them for the day in the forest.

At lunchtime, our regional catering company (Homepage | The Children's Cook (der-kinderkoch.de) delivers a freshly cooked, varied lunch menu to the trailers, with lots of vegetables and a variety of dishes. Meat-free meals are also available on request. We do not cook with pork, so that children of different faiths can eat with us without any problems.

In the afternoon, our staff again provides vegetables, fruit and (crisp) bread to nibble on. As part of the EU school fruit campaign, we are supplied with fresh fruit and vegetables from the region by the Baumannshof organic delivery service (https://www.baumannshof.de/).

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