Städt. Kindergarten XII "Pfiffikus"

Städt. Kindergarten XII "Pfiffikus"
Zehentweg 5
90768 Fürth
Funding authority
Stadt Fürth - Amt für Kindertagesbetreuung und Ganztagsschule
Kaiserstraße 30
90763 Fürth
Opening times7:00 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock
Extras care with lunch



Our kindergarten is located in Burgfarrnbach, a district of Fürth with very good connections to public transport. In front of our house there is a small park with a meadow and old trees.


The two-story Art Nouveau villa formerly served as a school building and dates back to around 1900. The old building has a special charm and all rooms have high ceilings with large double windows that provide pleasant daylight.

Rooms and equipment

We offer 2 kindergarten groups with 25 places each. In the group rooms there are themed play areas such as a doll corner, a book corner, a dress-up corner, a construction carpet, a creative area and a shop, which the children can navigate according to their interests. Our play material is tailored to the holistic needs of the youngest children right up to preschool age. We use our multi-purpose room for exercise, music, small group activities, smaller festivities and theater games. The 3-year-old children also take their afternoon rest here. There are a total of four children's toilets available for children, with sinks and changing areas.

Outdoor facility

In our outdoor area, which is covered with paving and bark mulch (half of each), there is plenty of space for driving our extensive fleet of vehicles. In the play area, children can slide, swing, climb and balance. We also have a sandpit at our disposal. One of our two garages serves as storage space. There are many different play materials such as vehicles, balls, ropes, tires, etc. There is a workroom in the second garage.

Regularly used play areas outside

We regularly visit the green park directly opposite our house, the playground at the castle, and another playground in Burgfarrnbach. When the weather is good, we also use the nearby city forest to hike, walk and play.

Regular visiting locations

We regularly explore our immediate surroundings. For example, the shopping opportunities in our area, we visit the after-school care center and the elementary school in Burgfarrnbach, learn something on the Reichel farm and visit the local ice cream parlor.

Daily Schedule

  • 7:00 a.m. - 8:15 a.m. drop-off time to the early shift group, employees discuss the day's organization Breakfast
  • 8:15 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Free play time in the core groups, delivery time, floating breakfast
  • 9:15 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Morning circle groups (nest children and 4 to 6 year old children)
  • from 9:30 a.m. free play in all play areas with open educational offersAfterwards free.Playing in the garden
  • 11:45 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Pick-up time before lunch
  • 12:00 p.m. – 12:30 p.m. Lunch for nest and preschool children
  • 12:30 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. Lunch for our middle children
  • 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm. Quiet group in the multi-purpose room for all children who are still to sleep or a power napping of 10 minutes. All other children have a quiet play and offer time in the group rooms.
  • 2:00 p.m. Fruit and vegetable offer, vespers
  • 1:30 p.m. -4:00 p.m. / 3:00 p.m. Open educational offers, projects and free play time in all play areas or in the garden Pick-up time



The children have enough water and tea available every day. We also offer a juice spritzer for lunch. For special occasions we prepare cocoa or children's punch. Breakfast Breakfast is brought from home. We value a varied and healthy meal and ask for the support of parents or guardians.

We have breakfast together once a month. On this day, the children do not have to bring their own breakfast and the parents must first enter one of the ingredients we have listed on the list and then bring it with them in good time.


Lunch is delivered warm every day at around 11:30 a.m. by the caterer Bassalig, who always sources products from the region. Example week:

Monday: Colorful pasta with pesto sauce, then fruit yoghurt

Tuesday: Minced meat cakes on kohlrabi vegetables and potatoes

Wednesday: Chicken breast fillet with herb cream, rice, then fruit

Thursday: Fine curd strudel with strawberry compote

Friday: Tomato basil soup with butter dumplings, then pudding


Afternoon snack

From 2 p.m. it is snack time and a fruit and vegetable plate is often served.

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