Städt. Kindergarten IX "Am Finkenschlag"

Städt. Kindergarten IX "Am Finkenschlag"
Finkenschlag 45
90766 Fürth
Funding authority
Stadt Fürth - Amt für Kindertagesbetreuung und Ganztagsschule
Kaiserstraße 30
90763 Fürth
0911-736239 (Frau Emrich)
Opening times7:30 AM - 4:30 PM o'clock
Extras care with lunch

Current information

Our Kita offers an "Open House" on:

- Saturday, Oct. 12th, 2024

- Saturday, Jan. 25th, 2025

from 09:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

On these dates you can find out more about our Kita, get to know the team and visit our rooms. We look forward to welcoming you.


We are the kindergarten at Finkenschlag. Our kindergarten has been looking after kindergarten children between the ages of 3 and 6 for 50 years. Since November 2022, our kindergarten has been expanded to include 3 groups. For this purpose, we have Dr. in the schoolyard. Gustav Schickedanz school containers available. Since then, we have been a so-called “emergency daycare center” and look after children from the entire Fürth city area. We currently have a migration share of around 80%, we look after children from over 10 different nations. The topic of language is therefore a major focus in our daily work with the children.

We complement and support the upbringing of the child in the family. For most children, our facility is the first transition away from the family. A new and important phase of life begins - not only for the child, but also for its parents. We would like to make this transition pleasant for everyone involved through warm and loving interaction.

The first years of life are crucial for the further course of development. Through education and influences from the environment, the foundations and important prerequisites for the rest of life are created. We see it as our task to strengthen the children's skills so that they grow into self-responsible, independent and socially capable personalities.

Parallel to the personal development of the individual child, social education is an important aspect for us. Daily get-togethers, togetherness and communication with each other promote consideration, tolerance and willingness to help others. The group dynamic strengthens each individual “We belong together - together we are strong”. The children should experience themselves as an important part of a group in which they can feel comfortable.

We want to offer children a variety of opportunities so that the child becomes the creator of his or her environment. It has the need to explore and understand its world. It is characterized by joy in doing, in moving, by curiosity, spontaneity and openness. We create a stimulating, child-friendly environment for the children, as well as freedom to develop.

Doing things together, playing, crafting, building, inventing, telling stories, experimenting, singing, celebrating parties, going on trips and laughing together - is the best way for children to discover and conquer the world.

Since November 2022, our kindergarten has been expanded to include 3 groups. For this purpose, we have Dr. in the schoolyard. Gustav Schickedanz school containers available. We look after children from all over the city.


Our kindergarten consists of two houses. House 1 is located in the Dr. Gustav Schickedanz Middle School building. The following rooms are available to us there: 

  • a large group room with various play areas
  • a kitchen with tables for painting, crafting and eating
  • a small office that can also be used for individual support
  • Sanitary rooms with two children's toilets and one adult toilet

Our house 2 is located in containers in the playground of the Dr.-Gustav-Schickedanz middle school. The following rooms are available to us there:

  • a play and construction room
  • a movement space
  • a dining and creative room
  • an intensive room for individual support
  • an office
  • a kitchen
  • two sanitary rooms with children's toilets, changing tables and staff toilets

Outdoor Facilities

In our kindergarten we have a small garden with various play equipment. This includes: 

  • a large climbing frame
  • a nest swing
  • a garden house with various toys and vehicles
  • a sandbox
  • sufficient play area for all children 
  • flower and vegetable beds

In addition to our garden, we can also use the large playground of the adjacent middle school. The following play equipment is available here:

  •  Soccer goals
  • Basketball hoops
  • Table tennis tables
  • Road traffic areas
  • Covered area for free play
Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 02/12/2024 11:36:19)