Kindertagespflege "Kleeblättchen bei Amina"

Funding authority
fmf FamilienBüro Kindertagesbetreuung
Bahnhofstraße 1
90547 Stein
Opening times8:00 AM - 2:30 PM o'clock

Current information

Please send your inquiries for a place at Kleeblättchen bei Amina to:

fmf FamilienBüro gGmbH
Bahnhofstraße 1
90547 Stein

Phone: 0911-255 229 0


Welcome to the profile of my daycare center "Kleeblättchen bei Amina".

My name is Amina, I am married and the mother of three children. I was able to gain a lot of experience in this field by raising and caring for my children. I really enjoy working with children, which is why I decided to qualify as a childminder. I have been working as a childminder since 2020 and look after children from 7 months to 3 years in a small group of up to five children.

I look forward to accompanying your children in their development and offering them a safe and loving place to be cared for.

I will be happy to answer any questions you may have.


 In my large apartment, I have a spacious and child-friendly room that has been specially designed for childcare. This spacious area offers the children plenty of room to play, learn and discover.

I also have an allotment garden that we visit regularly. There the children can play in the fresh air, experience nature and be physically active. The garden offers numerous opportunities for exciting outdoor activities and promotes awareness of nature.


Daily Schedule

The daily routine includes:

    Free play and guided activities (handicrafts, painting, music ...)
    Meals together, which I prepare fresh and child-friendly.
    Walks and outdoor activities in nature.
    Rest periods and naps according to the child's needs.


An important part of my work as a childminder is to offer the children varied and healthy meals that are freshly prepared and tailored to the children's needs.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 04/09/2024 13:30:59)