Kinderhaus Mathilde

Kinderhaus Mathilde
Mathildenstraße 40
90762 Fürth
Funding authority
Internationaler Bund e. V.
Mathildenstraße 40
90762 Fürth
Opening times7:30 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysca. 30 Tage im Jahr
Extras care with lunch

Current information


Welcome to the Mathilde children's home

Our children's home is located in the middle of the beautiful old town of Fürth and offers space for 22 kindergarten children aged 3 - for primary school entry and a total of 44 after-school care places for children of primary school age.

The kindergarten children's rooms are on one level in our beautiful old building. They offer the opportunity for fun and games, role-playing games, construction games, board games and much more. There is also a studio with plenty of space for creative design. The studio contains a painting area based on Arno Stern. Another extra room offers space for special activities and for resting at lunchtime.

The after-school care children's rooms are in the new building. The new building and the old building are connected. The after-school care has different rooms on 3 levels. A great playroom, with a large built-in area for climbing, resting, role-playing games and much more. A creative room for working, painting and crafting, as well as large canvases for being creative. There are also two rooms for homework time and another playroom for construction games, reading and board games.

There is also a large dining room for lunch for the after-school and kindergarten children, an exercise room and a small but nice outdoor area.

Due to our location, we are very close to Fürther Wiesengrund and can always go out into nature and to nearby playgrounds in just a few minutes.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 02/12/2024 11:37:33)