Our daycare center has two crèche and three kindergarten groups for over one hundred children from the age of one until they start school. The large, natural outdoor area and the adjoining forest invite children to be active in nature and to learn from nature.
"Here I go my way and many accompany me"
Under this motto, families can know that their children are supported in their development and accompanied by other children and adults at our daycare center.
We consciously shape the transitions between family and daycare center, nursery and kindergarten, and kindergarten and elementary school.
The children are assigned to groups and pedagogical staff, and the teachers of the groups are the contact persons for the parents. During the morning, the kindergarten offers play, sports and creative activities for all groups, and from 2 p.m. onwards, the children are looked after in different groups.
The planning of our educational activities is geared towards the children's living environments and social interaction in the daycare center. The annual cycle with religious festivals and celebrations provides structure and highlights in everyday life.