The child-friendly ground floor flat in Fürth's Südstadt district, which is furnished exclusively for childcare, consists of one large and two smaller playrooms, which are also used as bedrooms during nap time - in travel cots lined with soft mattresses and on mattresses.
In the large playroom there is a large ball pool, a large mirror, a ceiling suspension suitable for a swing and a climbing castle.
In one small room there is a stepped platform, a play shelf, storage cupboards for sleeping mattresses and bed linen.
In the other small room there is a playhouse, a play shelf and a play kitchen.
The large day care centre has a cloakroom area, a kitchen and a dining area. The dining room has access to the outdoor terrace.
There is also a large bathroom with a nappy-changing area, toilet and washbasin. Next to the bathtub, a 30 cm high nappy-changing area has been designed on the low shower tray to ensure a safe nappy-changing process.