Kindertagespflege "Die kleinen Wassermänner"

Funding authority
fmf FamilienBüro Kindertagesbetreuung
Bahnhofstraße 1
90547 Stein
Opening times7:00 AM - 2:30 PM o'clock
Closing daysFreitag

Current information

Please send your inquiries for a place at Die kleinen Wassermänner to:

fmf FamilienBüro gGmbH
Bahnhofstraße 1
90547 Stein

Phone: 0911-255 229 0



" For a fantastic start in life"

My name is Ina Fischer and I have been working as a childminder since 2014. Before that, I worked as a nanny in various childcare systems.


We have plenty of space in the living room with a play area.
There are 5 beds in the adjoining room.

Outdoor Facilities

There are several playgrounds and the Südstadtpark in our neighbourhood. Waterways, toboggan runs and sports facilities are also within walking distance. We particularly enjoy trips to the zoo, the canal or the forest. 


Daily Schedule

Daily routine:

We start our day with a musical morning circle.

We like to meet up with another day care group for our daily activities.

Afterwards, we go back, cook and eat together. Afterwards, the children are allowed to rest and I accompany them during their afternoon nap.

Once a week, we go to gymnastics together, do children's yoga and listen to relaxation stories.



I cook fresh and varied meals every day. The children are welcome to help me cook or bake and when the weather is nice we have a picnic together. Tea and water are always available.


Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 23/09/2024 10:19:06)