Kinderhaus Bunte Klexe e.V.

10 Monate - Einschulungsalter

Kinderhaus Bunte Klexe e.V.
Kaiserstraße 3
90763 Fürth
Funding authority
Kinderhaus Bunte Klexe e.V.
Kaiserstraße 3
90763 Fürth
+49 911 711016 (pädagogische Leitung)
+49 160 5032649 (Gruppenleitung Kinderladen (Ü3))
Opening times7:30 AM - 4:30 PM o'clock
Closing days2. Osterferienwoche
3 Wochen Sommerferien
2 Wochen Weihnachtsferien
flexible Brückentage
Foreign languages Amharic, German, English, Russian, Vietnamese
Specially educational concept child oriented education, daily routine language education, inclusion, intercultural education, livebased approach, nature education, project approach, Science/Project methods, Situation approach, Situation orientated approach
Extras care with lunch, full day care, parents association

Current information

We are a parents' initiative

Every one of us is important and helps to run the house.

The Bunte Klexe e.V. association is responsible for the Bunte Klexe children's house. This means that we parents manage and organize everything important about the nursery and crèche. Our commitment as parents includes various activities such as maintaining the garden, repairs in the building, fundraising, organizing parties, public relations work or board work (e.g. signing contracts with new parents) etc.. In order for all of this to succeed, all members of the association also have mandatory tasks. This is the only way to guarantee the structure and range of services offered by Bunte Klexe.


A lot to do - and a lot to gain!

For us, the parents' initiative is both a duty and a free choice, because here we parents can contribute as respected people with our talents and interests to the structure of the house that looks after our children every day. Instead of just leaving our children at the door, we are part of their everyday lives, even when they are being looked after. Parental involvement creates new contacts and friendships - we are networked, often even beyond our children's kindergarten years.

Hand in hand: pedagogical aspects

At the Bunte Klexe, parents and educational staff are trusted partners when it comes to the development, upbringing and care of the children. We parents are in regular contact with the educational staff and are involved in the concept, because at the Bunte Klexe we see parents as experts on their own children. Parents are also important partners in the settling-in process. Compulsory parent services in the children's house enable parents to participate in the children's everyday life.


Hand in hand: Organizational matters

All families are obliged to take on certain tasks as members of the association. For example, they can take on a board position or join one of our action groups. Commitment is possible, for example, in the garden group, with the new registrations, with the organization of festivals, as a janitor, etc. We meet four times a year, including the kids, on action days (always on a Saturday) to jointly design and maintain the children's house. We not only work, paint or sort, but also chat, laugh and eat together. In addition, everyday life gives rise to small duties that we take care of on a regular basis: for example, laundry, watering our plants or snow removal in winter.

Offered care types at Mar 27, 2025:

Kind of care
 Kinderkrippe U1
 Kinderkrippe Ü1
 Kindergarten U3
 Kindergarten Ü3