Kath. KiTa St. Bartholomäus Schwagstorf

1 - 6 Jahre

Kath. KiTa St. Bartholomäus Schwagstorf
Schulstr. 4
49584 Fürstenau-Schwagstorf
Funding authority
Kath. Kirchengemeinde St. Bartholomäus Schwagstorf
Zwister Weg 1
49584 Fürstenau
05901/2271 (Ruth Sabelhaus)
Opening times7:30 AM - 3:00 PM o'clock
Foreign languages German
Specially educational concept child oriented education, daily routine language education, inclusion, intercultural education, livebased approach, Situation orientated approach
Extras Barrier-free, care with lunch, cooperation facility, for children with special educational needs

Current information


Liebe Familien,

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Sie finden Informationen zu unserer Einrichtung und der pädagogischen Arbeit auf unserer Homepage.


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Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 14/04/2023 09:35:32)