Integrative Kindertagesstätte und Familienzentrum St. Georg Fürstenau

1-6 Jahre

Integrative Kindertagesstätte und Familienzentrum St. Georg Fürstenau
Bahnhofstraße 46
49584 Fürstenau
Funding authority
Evangelisch-lutherischer Kirchenkreis Bramsche
Meller Landstr. 55
49086 Osnabrück
05901/3732 (Frau Astrid Dennig)
Opening times7:30 AM - 3:00 PM o'clock
Closing days21
Foreign languages German (bilingual concept), Polish (bilingual concept), Russian (bilingual concept)
Denomination evangelic
Specially educational concept child oriented education, daily routine language education, inclusion, intercultural education, livebased approach, nature education, open concept, open work, Reggio Emilia approach, Situation approach, Situation orientated approach
Therapeutic support Logopedia, speech therapy, occupational therapy
Extras Barrier-free, Child care for physical education, Integrative facility, Parents center, care with lunch, cooperation facility, curative pedagogy facility, ergotherapy, family counseling, for children with special educational needs, full day care, language education, scientific orientation (e.g. KidsgoMINT)

Current information

All facilities run by the Bramsche Evangelical, Lutheran Church District.

In our daycare center, the child's development into a self-responsible and socially capable personality is encouraged.

Relationship and trust are fundemental requirements for us.



Dear parents,

we are pleased that you are interested in our daycare center.

You can find information

  • about the educational concept,
  • our premises,
  • the outdoor area,
  • the lunch,
  • the family center
  • and special features

on our homepage:

oder bei Instagram:

A brief overview for you.

Extendes care times in the daycare (Child's from 1 year) are possible from 07:30 a.m. and from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m..

Please feel free to ask the management about this during your first conversation.

As a daycare center with three integration groups, one regular group and two creche groups, we have an improved staffing ratio. Children with special needs have the opportunity to be accompanied and supported with all other children on site in our integrative day care center.

There is a small elementary school right next door, so siblings from daycare to elementary school can grow up in their familiar surrounding. The ability for parents to drop of has been made easier by the expanded parking facility.



Unsere vielfältigen Räume im Kindergarten sind nach ihren Möglichkeiten für Ihr Kind benannt mit Atelier, Wortwerkstatt, Spielzimmer, Theterzimmer.

In der Krippe sind die Gruppennamen Drachenwiese und Drachenhöhle.

Outdoor Facilities

Unsere Außenanlagen sind naturnah gestaltet. Kinder haben die Möglichkeit den Natur-nahen Raum in seiner Vielfalt zu erkunden.


Das Mittagessen in unserer Kita wird vor Ort zubereitet. Über Apetito kaufen wir möglichst Fleisch und Fisch aus biologischem Anbau, bzw. nachhaltiger Fischwirtschaft ein. Rohkost Beilagen und Obst werden saisonal von einem regionalen Bioanbaubetrieb geliefert und frisch in der Kita verarbeitet. 

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 20/02/2025 10:14:47)