Ev.-luth. Kindertagesstätte Reepsholt "Schwalbennest"

Wir betreuen Kinder im Alter von zwei bis sechs Jahren.

Ev.-luth. Kindertagesstätte Reepsholt "Schwalbennest"
Frieslandstraße 5
26446 Friedeburg
Funding authority
Kirchenkreisverbund Ostfriesland Nord
Julianenburger Straße 2
26603 Aurich
04468 9396456 (Manuela Romeik)
Opening times7:30 AM - 3:30 PM o'clock
Closing daysDrei Wochen in den Sommerferien.
Zwischen Weihnachten und Neujahr.
An einzelnen Brückentagen.
Specially educational concept child oriented education, daily routine language education, Situation orientated approach

Current information


Short Portrait:


Our kindergarten is single-group. It can accommodate up to 25 children in a mixed-age group (2 to 6 years old).

Work in this group:

- one educator as head

Manuela Romeik: Specialist for infant pedagogics and for integrative education and upbringing, furthermore participation in several further trainings on the subject of language observation and everyday integrated language education and language promotion

- a governess as a second employee

Manuela Janßen: advanced training in religious education and further training in research and experimentation.

- one educator as substitute

Silke Antons or Helga Oltmanns

- an FSJ-leader

We are also happy to accept interns in our institution.




We have a large group room, where the painting and design area is located. Puzzles can be laid and table games played. This room is also used for breakfast. The second large group room has a dolls' corner and a construction corner. There are wooden building blocks and a large Lego box. A cosy picture book area invites you to discover books and to read aloud.          

We use the room at "half height" as a room for movement and senses. Up to five children love to play here alone and let their creativity run free.

We use the large community hall for our movement units and for the school project. Events in which parents participate also take place here.


Outdoor Facilities

Outdoor area:

On our outdoor grounds there is a large, densely overgrown playground with a garden house for toys. A climbing tower, a sandbox, two swings, a hill with a slide and various stairs, a seesaw, gym poles and a slide car road complete the offer for the children.


Daily Schedule

Daily routine:

The children can come from 7:30 a.m., but should be brought until 8:30 a.m. as a rule. We then arrange a short morning circle with the children and welcome each other. The children learn what is planned for the morning. Afterwards we continue with the free play. Free play means that the child decides on play material, play location, play partner and play duration.

During this free play phase, we offer the children activities related to our current theme, such as

- creative offers

- Talks

- Picture book reviews

- We get to know new songs

- cook and bake

- Exercise games

- Fantasy Travels

- Actions in the field of religious education studies

A further phase is the clean-up phase. By cleaning up together with the children, they learn to take responsibility for the group room, the toys and the materials. After thoroughly cleaning up, we go outside when the weather is good. If it rains, we often do a final circle in the room "at half height".

During the final circle:

- we learn and sing songs

- Exercise games

- Finger games

- Poems

- Kim games (memory games)

- listen to fantasy stories

- Narrative circle

Three days a week, from 9:00 to 10:30 a.m., the children can have breakfast when and with whomever they want. On the other two days we all have breakfast together.



Three days a week, from 9:00 to 10:30 a.m., the children can have breakfast when and with whomever they want. On the other two days we all have breakfast together.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 22/08/2023 10:39:54)

Offered care types at Jul 27, 2024:

Kind of care
 KiTa Schwalbennest
 KiTa Schwalbennest
 KiGa Reepsholt


Pedagogical aspects:

Pedagogical aspects are:

- a pleasant, stimulating environment for the children

- secure relationships with educators

- we work according to the situational approach

- individual support in small groups

- strengthen the self-confidence and independence of the children

- promote the children's ability to live in a community

- language training integrated into everyday life, with the joy of speaking in the foreground

- experiments, because these stimulate the children's curiosity and imagination

- Participation of children in everyday life (co-determination)

- to tell about God and to convey a Christian image of man

- Strengthening social and emotional competence

- individual development documentation through "waxing and maturing

- a good educational partnership with the parents is lived

Special offers:

- they play, do handicrafts, paint, sing, bake, do gymnastics, dance etc.

- spacious outdoor area

- Education and development priorities according to the Lower Saxony orientation plan

- intensive school preparation (pre-school project)

- Movement units

- breakfast day once a week (the children get their breakfast from the kindergarten)

- Experiments

- Parties are celebrated with or without parents (summer party, lantern festival, St. Nicholas' Day, Christmas party, carnival, Easter breakfast, Mother's Day or Father's Day, farewell trip at the end of the kindergarten year to bid farewell to the school children)

- Family services are regularly held with the children

- Cooperation with the primary school

- Cooperation with the Mediothek Friedeburg (e.g. the picture book cinema)

- Baking during the pre-Christmas period with parents or grandparents

- Forest Days

- individual acclimatisation


Work in this group:

- one educator as head

Manuela Romeik: Specialist for infant pedagogics and for integrative education and upbringing, furthermore participation in several further trainings on the subject of language observation and everyday integrated language education and language promotion

- a governess as a second employee

Manuela Janßen: advanced training in religious education and further training in research and experimentation.

- one educator as substitute

Silke Antons or Helga Oltmanns

- an FSJ-leader

We are also happy to accept interns in our institution.

Quality Assurance

Observation and documentation:

The children keep a portfolio folder in which they collect everything that is important to them. We use the booklet "Growing and Maturing" to observe the children holistically. The records of the observations made give us an overview of the individual learning progress of each child. In order to be able to document the language development of the children, we use the "Observation sheet language development from 1 - 6 years". The aim of the observation is to understand the behaviour and experience of the child. They are then the basis for the creation of our projects as well as the creation of individual support offers for each child.


Quality assurance:

At present, all day-care centres of our association participate in a further training course on quality management in day-care centres.



Cooperation with other institutions:

Below is a list of all institutions with which we work together:

- other kindergartens

- Protestant specialist counselling

- Leaders' Conferences

- Primary school

- Vocational schools

- Church council

- Village community

- Youth Welfare Office

- Public Health Department

- Children and Family Office Wittmund

- Church District Office

- Municipal administration Friedeburg


Teamwork with parents

Cooperation with parents:

Children come to the kindergarten from their families as independent beings with very different strengths and preferences. That is why parents are the experts when it comes to the concerns of their children. They help us to get to know and understand their children, especially during the settling-in period.

For the well-being of the children we are committed to a good educational partnership. A family-friendly climate and good cooperation with the parents enable joint action. Parents support us above all where activities could not take place without their help (e.g. maypole decorating and celebrations, summer party etc.).


We are pleased if we have aroused your interest and invite you to visit us in our facility.


Your team of the ev. day care centre "Schwalbennest" in Reepsholt


Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 22/08/2023 10:39:54)

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