Fire safety education
Once a year, fire safety education is organised for pre-school children in cooperation with the Frickenhausen volunteer fire brigade.
The preschoolers visit the local fire stations and learn about the following key topics:
On a second date, there is a practice alarm in the kindergarten in which all the children of the kindergarten are involved.
A practice smoke alarm is triggered, the management makes an emergency call and the children gather at the assembly point. And the fire brigade arrives with sirens and flashing blue lights.
At the end, the pre-school children receive a certificate that reads:
‘I know, I don't play with fire!’
Brushing teeth
Once a month, we brush the children's teeth together in our washroom. Each child has their own named toothbrush and toothbrush cup.
The crèche brushes their teeth once a week with the hand puppet ‘Ben’, but this only takes place in a playful way with water, as it is more about getting to know the material and how to use it.
Dental prophylaxis
The introduction to dental prophylaxis ‘Healthy teeth - but how?’ takes place regularly for all children.
An employee from the Esslingen Health Department introduces the children to the topic of oral hygiene in a playful way. We talk about milk teeth and permanent teeth and what is good or bad for the teeth.
Using an oversized set of teeth and an oversized toothbrush, she shows the children how to brush their teeth properly.
Using the ‘chewing surfaces - outer surfaces - inner surfaces’ tooth brushing technique, the children practised vigorously. Each child is given their own toothbrush and brushes their teeth together.
Dr Kotz's dental practice from Frickenhausen visits us once a year. She is responsible for us and carries out the dental check-ups.
This means that the children are allowed to show Dr Kotz their teeth and he takes a quick look to see how everything looks. The parents are informed in advance by letter and give their consent with a signature that this may be carried out on their child. It is important to note that if a child does not want to, they do not have to.
Afterwards, each child is given a toothbrush cup and a toothbrush to take home.