Waldorf Kindergarten und Krippe

Wir bieten eine Betreuung für Kinder ab 1. Lebensjahr bis zur Einschulung.

Waldorf Kindergarten und Krippe
Schwarzwaldstr. 10
72250 Freudenstadt
Funding authority
Freunde der Waldorfpädagogik e. V.
Schwarzwaldstr. 10
72250 Freudenstadt
07441-84643 (Karoline Obst)
Opening times7:00 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysDie Schließtage für das kommende Schuljahr werden immer vor der Sommerferien veröffentlich.
Foreign languages English, Polish, Romanian
Specially educational concept livebased approach, nature education, Waldorf education
Extras care with lunch, full day care


You would like your child to develop individually in a loving environment according to its possibilities and are interested in Waldorf education? Our kindergarten is located in a suburb of Freudenstadt. In two mixed-age groups we care for children from 3 years old until school entry age and in two toddler groups we care for children from 1 to 3 years old. In the toddler group, we place great emphasis on intensive and individual familiarization and work according to the "Berlin Model".

The basis of our pedagogical work is Rudolf Steiner's anthroposophical study of man. We place special emphasis on close cooperation with parents. The staff understands its task to support, encourage and lovingly accompany children in their individual development outside the parental home.

The lovingly designed rooms invite the children to play and feel comfortable. In a familiar, safe environment, the children can develop at their own pace.


The furnishings of the group rooms are deliberately selected and natural materials are offered as play materials in different, not overly formed processing stages.

The ornamental design of the group room reflects the respective festive and seasonal events and bears living witness to the work, activities and contents of the group's life.

Daily Schedule

An essential basis of Waldorf education is the firm integration of all activities into a daily, weekly and annual rhythm. Thus, every day in our kindergarten is structured in the same way, individual activities take place in a weekly recurring rhythm, and the children are guided through the year by the conscious passage with the seasons or festivals as highlights of the individual activities (Easter, St. Martin, Christmas, etc.). These rhythmic experiences provide the children with a sense of security, thus strengthening their sense of community as well as their social behavior.


Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/03/2025 10:33:20)