Mehrgenerationenhaus Familienzentrum e.V.

Mehrgenerationenhaus Familienzentrum e.V.
Reichsstr. 16
72250 Freudenstadt
Funding authority
MGH Familien-Zentrum-Freudenstadt e.V. (FZF)
Reichsstr. 16
72250 Freudenstadt
Opening times7:00 AM - 5:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysDie Kinderbetreuung ist während der Betriebsferien des FZF ab der 2. Augustwoche bis einschließlich erster Septemberwoche sowie während der Weihnachtsferien der Freudenstädter Schulen geschlossen.
Extras care with lunch, full day care


Childcare in the FZF

(Operating permit for day-care centers according to Section 45 of Book VIII of the Social Code)

In our mini-kindergarten you can have your child cared for all week long under the guidance of specialists in two supervised play groups, half-day or in a full-day day nursery.

The FZF offers young children a space for social learning even before they even start kindergarten. The focus is on the well-being of the children, the promotion of secure attachment, free play, rhythmically recurring daily and seasonal rituals. To promote good motor development, the children have access to a play room, exercise room, creative room, bedroom and also an outdoor area with a sandpit and play equipment. The children are fed with organically grown food. This organic food is freshly prepared in our housekeeping every day.

Group size: 10 children per group.


There is an outdoor area with a sandpit and play equipment.


The children are fed with organically grown food. This organic food is freshly prepared in our housekeeping every day.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/07/2024 05:43:06)

Offered care types at Jul 27, 2024:

Kind of care
 Krippe U3 GT 50 Std.
 Spielgruppe 1
 Spielgruppe 2


The examination booklet and vaccination card must be presented before the contract is signed.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/07/2024 05:43:06)

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