Kita am Goetheplatz

1-7 Jahre

Kita am Goetheplatz
Zelterstr. 1
01705 Freital
Funding authority
Große Kreisstadt Freital
Dresdner Str. 56
01705 Freital
0351 21522212
Opening times6:30 AM - 5:00 PM o'clock
early care6:30 AM - 7:00 AM o'clock
late care4:30 PM - 5:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysSchließtage für das Jahr 2024

02.10. und 04.10.2024;
23.12.2024 - 01.01.2025;

Schließtage 2025:

13.01.2025 (Weiterbildung)
02.05.2025 (Schließtag)
28.05.2025 (Weiterbildung) und 30.05.2025 (Schließtag)
12.09.2025 (Teamtag)
22.12.- 30.12.2025 (gesamt 4 Schließtage)
Am 17.04.2024 (Gründonnerstag) schließen alle kommunalen Einrichtungen der Stadt Freital bereits 16:00 Uhr.
Foreign languages German
Specially educational concept child oriented education, daily routine language education, inclusion, Science/Project methods, Situation orientated approach
Extras Barrier-free, Integrative facility, care with lunch, for children with special educational needs, full day care, language education

Current information

We say goodbye to our “big ones” going to school!

As every year, we accompany our pre-school children on their way to school. In the first two weeks of June, special projects take place in the run-up to school. Among other things, the children attend a lesson at Poisental elementary school and are allowed to rehearse being a pupil. There will also be a visit to the traffic garden, a school bus training session and the children will be allowed to design their own sugar cones, which they can take home filled with lots of great things at the end of the two weeks. 

The big highlight of these project weeks will be the sugar cone party. The parents and other family members of the future ABD pupils are cordially invited to attend. During a short program, the preschool children proudly show off everything they can do and have learned. We spend the afternoon together with games, fun and treats until the highlight of the day, when the goody bags are handed over. Who will do this remains a secret, but everyone can look forward to the unveiling.

Preschool weeks: 04.06. - 14.06.2024

Sugar cone party: 14.06.2024 from 15:00 - 18:00

We wish everyone a wonderful and exuberant party and look forward to seeing you!

The Goetheplatz daycare center team


Our Spezials

At the Kita am Goetheplatz, we work and play primarily with natural materials. Due to the high pollutant load and the haptic insignificance, plastic toys are largely avoided. This means, for example, that toys, furniture and supply materials are almost exclusively made of wood, metal, fabric, etc.

The rooms are bright and friendly and divided into different zones for better orientation (e.g. morning circle carpet, table circles, running and playing areas). The amount of furniture and toys is deliberately reduced to a puristic level so that the children have adequate space and learn to occupy themselves with a particular game or material over a longer period of time. This material is first experienced and examined. Quite automatically, the children then combine this toy or material with other materials, incorporate them into role-playing games, and explore in a wide variety of directions. They can only refer to what is available (material, toys, other children). This results in versatile connections. The fewer materials and toys available, the more creative they can become. A healthy appreciation for material values also develops (cf. values education). When games and toys are available in a manageable number, children pay more attention to what they have. They know, wantonly destroyed toys are not replaced, there is only a limited number available. At certain intervals, toys can be exchanged for others at the home camp.

The children also have to deal with each other and with each other, since there are intentionally not enough toys available for parallel individual play by all the children. As a result, the children learn incidentally to play together, play earlier with other children and, with the support of the educators, learn to resolve conflicts, share toys, exchange them and, if necessary, defend them. In this way, they develop social-emotional skills more quickly.

An overstimulation of the children is deliberately avoided, which makes them more receptive and receptive to the manageable stimuli of their current play. The special effect of this strategy was already visible a few weeks after the opening of the facility.


Another special feature is that the stairwell and group rooms are designed to be fundamentally low in stimuli. This means that the room walls, which are painted in light primary colors, are only decorated for existing traditional celebrations, whereby the principle here is also; "Less is more". This principle also applies to notices, room decorations, window pictures, cork walls, etc. Group work will be displayed individually and to a manageable extent in the checkrooms of each group.

Important organizational information, which applies to the entire facility, can be found by parents in the entrance area (notifiable illnesses, information from the food provider, menu plan...). In addition, there is an illustrated menu at children's height, where the children display weekly photos of their lunch, an overview of all the people working in the facility and a stand with information material. On the first floor, the groups also regularly present individual projects on a screen for all parents to see. Information boards are located in front of each group area where the group's weekly schedule and important group-specific information is posted. On the 1st first floor there is another information area. Here, general information on various topics is made available. They include, for example, answers to various educational questions, the display of newspaper articles, legal changes and their evaluation (e.g. staffing ratios) or other general information.


Spatial equipment

The day care centre at Goetheplatz was designed as a three-storey building with rooms in two wings. A crèche group is located on the ground floor of each wing. On the left wing, next to group 1, a pram room was created which is accessible from the outside and, like the entrance door, can only be opened by parents by entering a pin code.  On the 1st floor there are two more groups. On the right side a family group (group 3) and on the left a kindergarten group (group 4). On the second and third floor there are three kindergarten groups. On the first floor on the right side is group 5, on the left side group 6 and above that on the third floor is group 7. Opposite group 7 is the sports and multifunctional room. In addition to various small rooms for work materials etc., there is a therapy and creative room on the first floor next to group 6 and the management office next to group 5.

All group rooms for the crèche and day nursery can be reached via their own cloakroom. Furthermore, each group has a separate sanitary area. A separate bedroom is attached to each of the crèche groups and the family group. In the group rooms of the day care area, there is a sliding wall that allows the rooms to be completely divided into two rooms. A separate staff room is available for meetings. All rooms are connected via a staircase with a lift. Parallel to this, there is an escape staircase with access to all group rooms.

Outdoor Facilities

The Outdoor area

The outdoor area is divided into a daycare area and a kindergarten area, which can be opened to each other as needed. Both areas have large lawns, trees, a large sandbox with a sunshade awning, an asphalt roadway and a nest swing, which has been bedded in gravel in both outdoor areas. Storage huts for bobby cars, running bikes, sand play equipment, etc. are located in each area. The outdoor area of the crèche group also has a second hut, in which several group cars are available for excursions of the crèche children.

In the crèche area, bouncing animals can be used as well as a half-height wooden house with climbing facilities and a slide.

In the daycare area, there is also a large wooden ship with a slide, several swings and a ground trampoline.

Both areas thus offer a variety of opportunities for construction, motor development and exploration. In order to satisfy the kindergarten children's urge to move, the outdoor area has already been expanded, so that there are now several raised beds, fruit trees and space for playing soccer in this area.

Daily Schedule




The Meals

In our facility, all meals, i.e. breakfast, lunch and vespers are provided by a caterer (Sachsenschmaus). So you as parents do not have to bring any food with you. We serve water and tea as beverages.

In order to ensure a sufficient supply of fresh fruit and vegetables, you as parents are asked to bring these along for the group at longer intervals in consultation with the educators.

You will learn more about this during the admission interview, to which you are cordially invited!


Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 05/09/2024 15:26:05)