Jäpel, Katrin

0 bis 3 Jahre

Jäpel, Katrin
Mozartstr. 7
01705 Freital
Funding authority
Große Kreisstadt Freital
Dresdner Str. 56
01705 Freital
0351 6412479
0174 3876074
Opening times6:00 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock
early care6:00 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock
late care6:00 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysFeiertage geschlossen,
Andere Betreuungszeiten nach Absprache
Foreign languages German, English
Specially educational concept child oriented education, livebased approach, open concept, open work, Situation approach
Therapeutic support Learning support, disability
Extras Child care for physical education, Pets, care with lunch, flexible care, full day care
Pets 1 Wohnungskatze Rasse British Kurzhaar


I was born in 1971, i am married and i have three full age kids and two grandchildren.

Since 2004, i work as a day nanny. My family is a big part of my work with kids, so we are as it were an extended family including the little kids every day.

The day care of children is equated with kindergarten as a similar care. Entertainment costs are also similar with entertainment costs in kindergarten.

probably free places

from 01.01.2025 a free place

from 01.02.2026 a free place

from 01.05.2026 a free place



My care of kids is arranged in my private rooms at home. The kids have direct access to all the rooms, except the living room. They have their own area or space which is approprivate for children. In this zone they can move freely and also have their own quietly afternoon nap.


Outdoor Facilities

The outdoor facility in front of the house invites to everything, for example playing in the sandbox, swinging, seesawing or driving bobbycar. Every whole day we can be in the outside, play together and also have snacks together. Exercising in the fresh air is one of the most important things for children. For this reason we are nearly each day in the outside or we have some walks until lunch.

Daily Schedule

at 6.00                                      children can arrive

07.30  - 8.00                            breakfest (please come before or after breakfest because of disturbirg kids while eating)              

09.00 - 09.15                           snacking fruits and vegetables

11.00 - 11.30                           lunch

11.30 - 12.00                           preparation for afternoon nap

12.00 - 14.00                           siesta

14.30 - 15.00                           snacks and tea            

The time between is created individually, for example:

  • good-morning-circle (for example moving games, singing, narrating and retelling books),
  • depending on wheater or emotional state of children they can play what they want (free), depending on age or progress of development children also play with learning games or with normal activities,
  • moving outdoors.


Lunch is procured by the catering service "Mein Menü". Everyday it's delivered at lunchtime. The day nanny chooses one menu out of three for every day. Menu changes every week. The validation occures between the catering service and the parents. 

Breakfast, fruit and snacks in the afternoon are brought by children every day. 

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/07/2024 01:48:20)

Offered care types at Jul 27, 2024:

Kind of care


The basis of the pedagogical work is the educational plan of Saxony.


The areas of education are divided in

  • somatic education

health, movement, body (well-being)

  • communicative education

font/media, language, (speaking/dialogue)

  • religious education


  • mathematical education

measure, weigh, compare, education of numerical reasoning, discovery of regularities

  • scientific education

nature, ecology, technology

  • aesthetic education

music, dance, artistic design (cognition)

  • social education

democracy, social learning, experience of difference, values, ideology (participation)

In practice these areas of education with children are presented as follows:

  • possibility of organizing the daily life together
  • collecting experiences and recognizing contexts in a playful way
  • learning by playing games
  • stimulation of fantasy
  • promotion of child's individuality
  • supporting of self-confidence
  • promotion of an independent acting
  • work with praise
  • rules of daily life (please, thank you)
  • get in contact with other children, play together
  • get in contact with older children
  • learn to share
  • show consideration for other people
  • singing, singing games, verses, rhymes, poems, books
  • putting on clothes
  • creativity, curiosity, physical strength and movement
  • promoting the motor skills and fine motor skills
  • movement games, good morning circle
  • education of cleanliness, out of diapers
  • to show the necessity of being clean (health and hygienic practices - washing hands)
  • attention in traffic
  • handling with animals

I support and encourage your children in the way of their education. I also give the safety they need for developing independently.


Certificate:           qualified day care person

The qualification measure consisted of a total of 160 teaching units and was carried out from 04.03.2005 till 22.10.2005 by the day nanny association for child care inside the day care.

Certificate:           curriculum/further training to the saxon education plan of child day care

  • change of childhood
  • different pedagogical aspects
  • child abuse (diagnose and help)
  • child education as its self-development
  • social appropriation by playing and learning
  • professionalism of the day nanny considering educational comprehension
  • areas of education and histories of education - observing its self-development of children, documentaring and fostering
  • educational partnership and development partnership with parents
  • final disseration: somatic education - summer, sun, sand and water

The qualification measures consisted of a total of 112 teaching units and was carried out from 12.09.2015 till 19.11.2016 in the family centre in Radebeul.

Quality Assurance

  • minimum 20 lessons yearly further training
  • every two weeks: first aid further training incl. children emergencies
  • extended police clearance certificate for every household member at the age of 18 years
  • incl. care by expert adviser of youth welfare office

Formulation of a collaboration with a second day nanny for offering a longer care offer (protracted). This care offer will change between the two day nannies in a late service weekly.

Teamwork with parents

Confidence is the basis for the coorperation with the parents!

  • daily conversations about stage of development of your child
  • mom notebook: connection between parents and day nanny
Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/07/2024 01:48:20)


  • once a week: doing sport
  • go by bus
  • hiking in the Rabenauer Grund
  • visit to the zoo
  • go for a walk
  • in summer: go bathing in "Zackebad - Zauckerode"
  • summer party and also Christmas party with parents and kids
Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/07/2024 01:48:20)


  • medical health certificate by paediatrist of fitness for inclusion to the day nanny (promptly)
  • basic immunisation (tetanus shot, measles vaccination: obligation!)
Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/07/2024 01:48:20)

Description and Stations

  • Close to town hall Deuben, Holzhandel Barth and Edelstahlwerk
  • S-Bahn train station Freital-Deuben, just a walk of a few minutes (5 minutes)
  • bus stop Busbahnhof Freital-Deuben or bus stop Wehrstraße. For both stops it´s just a walk of a few minutes (5 minutes)

Free parking area is available in front of the house!

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/07/2024 01:48:20)

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